How long does it take to get dependent visa COE?

I applied for my wife’s COE 25 days ago. I called the immigration office today and they told me it’s still in process. People I know got it within 2~3 weeks hence little bit worried.

  1. This is the busiest time of the year for the Immigration Bureau (new students, new workers all starting in April), so it’s not unusual for applications to take longer than expected. 25 days (including weekends, I’m assuming?) is well within the range of normal.

  2. For me, since we had a lawyer help us get our stuff taken care of, once we submitted the paperwork it took 23 days. Our lawyer said this was the fastest he’s ever seen. I imagine it would be similar timeline if you have all the information correct and put together by a professional. As long as you know you guys meet the qualifications to receive one, it should be pretty easy.

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