Question about switching to Ahamo

I was thinking about switching to Ahamo, I am currently with a company called ‘Mobal’. I am paying ¥7000 a month for 50 GB which I never use but I saw that Ahamo has a deal that is ¥4000 a month fir 100 GB. So its cheaper and double the data.

I know that I can sign up online and it is only in Japanese which is fine. Has anyone used them and switched online before? Also how long does that process take from going from my current provider to the new one?

Thanks in advance

  1. Lol, try iijmio, it have 20gb data, call and text for only 2300 per month

  2. Switched online and it was rather fast. Easy and fuss free process. Biggest hold up iirc is requesting for the number from my current provider in order to switch over. Coverage is good for me too so no regrets.

  3. Just so your clear, base 20gb month ahamo is 3000 yen a month. The +80gb addition is another 2000 yen a month for a total of 100gb at 5000 yen. The 80gb addition can be added only to months that need it. It’s actually not a “plan” but a monthly option for people who go over the base of 20gb.

  4. Can you keep a Mobal number when switching?
    Remember that they mentioned somewhere that they don’t offer the service, but are they obligated (this is the case in some countries)?

  5. ahamo allows you to sign up “only online”. In other words, all current ahamo users are doing it.

    If you want to keep your current number:

    1. apply for “MNP transfer-out” to Mobal

    2. Mobal will issue you an MNP reservation number. This number is valid for 15 days

    3. within 5 days (NOT 15 days) after step 2, you sign up for ahamo. At this time, select MNP transfer-in and enter your reservation number, etc.

    4. if the contract is successful, you will receive your SIM a few days later

    5. set the SIM in your smartphone and start using the service.

    (You need to do all the steps from 2 to 5 within 15 days)

    However, if I remember correctly, Mobal did not support 1.

  6. Was on AU paying hectic fees. Switched to AHAMO. Yes povo have similar fee range. But most important thing is INTERNATIONAL ROAMING CHARGE IS FREEEEE(do check if your country is available)

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