Hokkaido Itinerary – May 2023

Hey all! I’m traveling to Japan from the end of April through mid-May this year. Since it’s my third time visiting Japan, I wanted to explore either Kyushu or Hokkaido, and in this post I wanted to get feedback on my proposed Hokkaido itinerary.

For some context on what me and my partner are interested in – we both enjoy trying local cuisine, shopping (small boutiques, crafts, etc.), and enjoying nature/hiking. My partner doesn’t quite like hiking as much as I do, so I’m hoping to strike a good balance with this part of the trip! (e.g. maybe 2 or 3 hikes).

Some questions I had about this itinerary:

* One aspect of traveling to Hokkaido during this period that I’m really excited about are the cherry blossoms around Hakodate! On the flip side, I’ve heard that other areas of Hokkaido like Furano aren’t as ideal to visit this time of year. From what I’ve found online, Furano still looks like a cute town to visit, and potentially a good base to do day trips, but would you recommend otherwise?
* In this itinerary we’re spending a couple of days going between Furano -> Tomamu -> Kushiro, but it’s mainly so that we can wake up early to visit Unkai Terrace. Is it worth the effort, or are there other things you would recommend seeing in this area?
* Anything you would do differently?

Thank you!



4/27 – 4/28

* NYC -> Tokyo -> Hakodate
* Arrive around 8pm
* Mount Hakodate at night if the weather is good and we’re not too tired


* Stay at Hakodate
* Morning market
* Goryoyaku Tower
* Fort Goryoyaku


* Stay at Hakodate
* Enjoy more food, explore the town
* Matsumaejo Castle
* Red brick district


* **Origin:** Hakodate
* **Destination:** Yakumo → Lake Toya
* **Travel time:** 2.5hr by train (75m → 75m)
* Arrive at night
* Stop at Yakumo along the way to check out wood carvings and enjoy some ice cream
* Continue on to Lake Toya


* Stay at Lake Toya
* Walk around lake
* Visit Noboribetsu
* Fireworks ✨


* **Origin:** Lake Toya
* **Destination:** Sapporo
* **Travel time:** 2hr by train
* Arrive mid-day
* Find some good seafood/ramen
* Moerenuma Park
* Museum


* Stay in Sapporo
* Odori Park
* Sapporo brewery
* Hiragishi


* Stay in Sapporo
* Curb seafood market
* Day trip to Otaru (1hr by train)

<potentially an extra day here to visit Jozankei>


* **Origin:** Sapporo
* **Destination:** Furano
* **Travel time:** 2hr by driving
* Arrive mid-day
* Pick up car and depart Sapporo in the morning
* Ningle Terrace
* Furano Cheese Factory
* Furano Winery


* Stay in Furano
* Visit Daisetsuzan National Park (30m)
* Shirogane Pond (30m)


* **Origin:** Furano
* **Destination:** Tomamu
* **Travel time:** 70m by driving
* Arrive afternoon, grab lunch and explore
* Early bedtime to wake up early the next day


* **Origin:** Tomamu
* **Destination:** Kushiro
* **Travel time:** 2hr 30m by driving
* Early morning take gondola up to Unkai Terrace
* Arrive Kushiro mid-day
* Lake Akan/Mashu and visit the marshlands if there’s time
* Kushiro Ramen


* **Origin:** Kushiro
* **Destination:** Tokyo
* Grab breakfast in Kushiro and then make our way to the airport

5/11 – 5/16

* Stay in Tokyo
* <figuring this out later>


* Travel back to NYC

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