矢印(yajirushi), the word for the “arrow” symbol, can also means romantic interest. How is it used in a sentence?

Recently learned from a VTuber, of all things, that the word 矢印 (やじるし, yajirushi) can also mean romantic interest, or the direction of someone’s attention. I found that pretty interesting so I tried searching for more stuff about it, but I was really only able to find dictionary entries about it and not really any sentence examples. Also searched here and nothing really popped up.

So here I am beggin’ on my knees hoping someone on here knows a bit more about how to use this instance of 矢印 in a sentence.

  1. 彼女はそのドラマで主人公の矢印として登場するのがとても楽しみです

    She is very excited to appear as the protagonist’s love interest in the drama.


    It’s interesting how the love interest characters in this movie connect in an unexpected way.


    The moment he feels love interest towards her is the most romantic scene in the story.


    In the movie, she fell in love with her love interest, and as the story progressed, her feelings for him grew deeper.


    In the novel, the protagonist meets his love interest while solving mysteries, and the development of him being attracted to her captures the readers’ hearts.


    By chance, the man who sat next to her at the cafe became her love interest, and the two fell into a fateful love.

  2. This is used amongst geeky community on Twitter, especially geeky women who love BL, I think.
    We often use arrow signs to describe relationships among characters in anime/manga or TV dramas.
    When you search “(心の)矢印が向く” on Twitter, some people use this phrase as you mention, however it’s not commonly used in Japan. I’ve not used this phrase in my whole life.

  3. Been watching Astel/Asumi/Noah Apex Clips? (Assumption)

    [Just use it as it is in their dialogue](https://youtu.be/R1T3LQsfV5g?t=560). In their context they were talking about a 三角関係 which is essentially a love triangle. So they used this term to “draw out” who was pointed at who.

    A specific sentence is “(でも)私の矢印はのあ先輩とマルちゃんに向いてるよ” which roughly is “But my arrow is pointed pointed at Noah and Maru”

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