Baby Welcome party kits

Hey Japanlifers,

My wife and I are expecting a child very soon. After giving birth she’s gonna stay at the hospital for 5 days. During that time I wanna decorate the house and prepare a small celebration by the time she’s back. I found places to order custom cupcakes, cakes, etc. for such occasions. But cannot find anything for decorations. So far everything I saw looks too colorful and plastic. Most of those things are just balloons. I would like smth more creative. Are there stores in Tokyo (online or offline) that can offer a better selection of decorations for baby welcome parties? If anyone had experience, I would appreciate if you could help me.

  1. Is this even something she wants? New moms aren’t exactly spry and usually not up for celebrating with a fresh baby.

    Have you been to Loft or Hands? Party stuff is generally colorful, because sad beige baby stuff is boring.

  2. I’m not really sure, but Loft, Tokyu Hands, Daiso?

    Also, I think it’s really sweet of you to do this. You’re a good husband.

    Congratulations on the birth of your child!

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