Floor bed

Hi guys! I’m moving into a tiny basement apartment (currently in Canada), and the only way I seem to be able to figure out how to make the space work would be with a floor bed of some sort. I know you guys know the way.

I’m horrified of mold (had an issue with it in a previous rental, unrelated to sleeping arrangements) and wanting to know how I could have a futon that I can easily fold up in the day, but also low to the ground so that my baby can crawl out of it easily – without creating a mold problem? What would be my best option? What would I put beneath it to prevent mold? We don’t have a whole lot of sun here, is there anything you could recommend for keeping the futon dry?

Bonus points if I don’t have to sell my soul to afford it.

Thanks in advance!


  1. In Japan people use a low wooden pallet called a “sunoko” to create air flow between the futon and the floor.

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