ALT dispatch tender process!

ALT dispatch tender process!

  1. Anyone know what the process is and when it usually starts, do I deal with the BOE or the city hall personal section?

  2. The dispatch deals with you so the BoE does not. That is why the whole dispatch industry exists.
    BoE’s don’t have or are unwilling to dedicate resources to finding ALTs so they hire a dispatch to do the work for them.

    Type ALT dispatch into google. You’ll get a bunch of companies, go to their website and have a gander.
    Find out when the school year starts, the biggest batch of hiring occurs around 3-4 months prior to that.

  3. Are you referring to the process by which cities opt to contract a dispatch agency to provide ALTs to place in schools?

    Cities will generally post that information on their request for proposal page, and may or may not (usually not I feel, but that is more gut feeling than anything else) place a mention on the BoEs website.

    Interested parties would then need to go through the process to respond to the RFP.

    Here is an example from a few years back.


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