I was very very excited to do this!!! My very first time making sushi! For the way it looks, I’d give it a 4/10, but oh my the way it tastes, 8/10!

I was very very excited to do this!!! My very first time making sushi! For the way it looks, I’d give it a 4/10, but oh my the way it tastes, 8/10!

  1. The three best ingredients and nothing else. Definitely seems like it tastes great.

  2. Congrats! As you get more experience, you’ll get the rice thinner, the overlap smaller. Make it a goal to make a simple maki with cuke or avo with a true half sheet and then you’ll call yourself master heh. When I make at home though, while wasteful maybe, I still use more than a half a sheet to make sure things stick reliably. Also watch your rice moisture levels, yours looks a bit on the wet side.

  3. Yeah the main thing is just getting the rice perfect. Afterthat you can focus on presentation.

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