Look for sentance mining help.


Pretty sure this post follows all the guidelines. If it doesnt, just point me in the right direction and im happy to move it.

Ive been looking more and more into sentance mining to help me get into the content im actually excited about. I searched the sub a bit for more info, but i couldnt find information that pertains to anything other than anki and yomichan. And google was even less helpful.

Basically im just curious if there is a resource out there or a website even that i can just see the entire list of words in a particular manga/anime/game without going through it myself.. i personally dont use anki so all of the anki tips and making flash cards as you go isnt helpful to me..

As an example with songs, i can google all the lyrics to every song i want to learn.. copy/paste or download a list of every word, then i can learn all the ones i dont know..

With manga for another example, im interested in learning the vocab BEFORE reading it and not picking it apart 1 word/sentance at a time..

If there ISNT a resource like this, how would you go about this??

  1. The WaniKani free reading club has some vocabulary lists for free for some manga

    I don’t like their paid services though

  2. I dont currently have an account with them but i could make one.. is the free section fairly extensive???

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