Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 08, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I am about to jump into classical and old Japanese – but I do not have the means to make good SRS cards. By any chance are there any good decks out there or could someone point to one on JPDB to try?

  2. am i imagining it or does い sometimes take the same sound as え when it follows え?

    for example, when listening to native speakers say the word 影響、 it sounds as if they are holding the え during the い particle, as in “えーきょう” and i cannot hear any い sound. are my ears just not accustomed or is this actually happening?

  3. is the word “darou” だろうused outside of anime? and if so, is it usually used by males? Ive heard the word before but never in real life context.

  4. **程度は知ったほうが良い**
    **I don’t understand this expression, hope someone can explains its meaning. (i can only guess it means : “One person should know when to stop.” ? but i’m not sure)**

    **Context: A general was too hasty/ impatient in a battle, when he charged forward too far from his troops. Though he killed many enemies on his own, his subordinates still gave him honest advices.**

    程普(Subordinate 1)「暴れるのはけっこう。ですが後続の者たちへの手柄も残しておいておやりなされ! それが主君の情けというものですぞ! うおおりゃあああっ!」



    孫堅(General)「ははは、程普! 手柄を持っていかれて悔しいのはお前のほうだろう?」


    韓当(Subordinate 2)「いいえ、私から見ても孫堅様はやりすぎです。はりきるのは分かりますが、後方の兵たちがまったくついて来れていません」





  5. Hi, I’m looking at [this Hinative question](https://hinative.com/questions/403470):

    >君だけに負けたくない。means I don’t want you to beat me and I don’t mind others.
    On the other hand, 君にだけ負けたくない means I beat others and I want to beat you.

    These two phrases look like they should be identical. I understand why the first one means that – 君だけに means “only to you”. But how do we get to the second one? Is it different if we make it 君にだけは?

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