It’s only like 3 times a match

It’s only like 3 times a match

  1. Kevin is one of my all-time favourite commentators, really great at keep the conversation moving, knowing the guys and the story, keeping everything connected.

    If that motherfucker yells DESTIIIIIINNOOOOOOOO for the fucking running one that doesn’t finish people **one more goddamn time**, I’m gonna unleash another plague of wasps on his basement

  2. Not to mention all of the times that he mentions that the “pandemic is over” and that we are “post pandemic”. 🙄

  3. Not as bad as when Rocky used to call EVIL matches..

    “Everything is — NO NO NO!”

  4. Shouting a finisher, like Destinooooo, is much more exciting than, “Vintage, Undertaker” or “Vintage, Randy Orton”.

  5. Him hinting/spoiling that Sanada might join Taichi after their match turned me off of them for good

  6. Bring back the Japanese announcers twenty years ago shouting “SHININGO WIZHARHHHHHDDD”

  7. I like when it’s Red Shoes counting the three and since he takes so long Kevin almost passes out

  8. That time when he called Naito and Jericho’s match at dominion 2018 when Naito hit the finisher, that was the best “Destinoooooo”. These days it’s gotten annoying, especially when he deepens his tone at the “nnnooooooo”.

  9. You shut your whore mouth.

    I will not stand for Kevin Kelly hate.

    Good thing I’m sitting down.

  10. downvotes incoming i’m sure but kevin and chris are so overrated. too much cutesy jokey insider stuff and as mentioned, the destino call is dreadful

  11. Everyone has their own opinion. Me? I like Kevin Kelly. He provides depth and insight, in particular HEY LOOK IT’S HONMA!

  12. Eh my fav commentary team is a trio of kevin, chris and gino.

    Kevins funny football like, chris is a nerd who sits facts and translates, gino reminds me of blood bowls commentary mixed with kevin its practically blood bowls commentary team.

  13. I like Kevin except for the Destino call, which comes off as especially forced

    There was one time when KK botched the Destino call. He started off too high pitched (like he was asking a question) and tried to correct mid ‘ooooooo’. Kevin immediately followed by telling the audience “I’m sorry, that was not my best work”

  14. Hate his Destino call, or running cover for Yano Toru. It’s become Michael Cole’s mannerisms when it happens each match. I pretty much like everything else he does, when he’s with someone like Don Callis, Steve Corino, or a guest wrestler. Since they have the in ring experience, and can correct him or keep him level if needed.

    Ideally, my lineup with him included would have someone like Excalibur or Joey Styles on one side, and either Don Callis or a guest wrestler on the other. Only time Chris Charlton should say something, is to translate it from Japanese, in my opinion.

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