Itinerary Check, Kansai-Hiroshima Region Nov 2023. Kyoto -> Nara -> Hiroshima -> Kinosaki Onsen -> Osaka and surround

Hi Everyone,

My wife and I are thinking of traveling to Japan in November 2023. We’ve been to Japan a couple of times and we have been to Tokyo (Kyoto and Osaka for a very shortime) and Hokkaido area. This time we would like to explore Kansai – Hiroshima region skipping Tokyo entirely. I was hoping i could get your valuable opinion and advice for our itenerary below:

Day 1: Arrive at KIX around 8 AM then train to Kyoto. Check in and leave bags at the hotel (near karasuma oike station) then head straight to Nishiki Market (around 11 AM) for lunch. Go to downtown kyoto (daimaru etc.) then head to Fushimi Inari. Would like to hike if we are not tired. Back to hotel around 5PM, take a shower, rest a bit then head to kawaramachi dori for dinner. Maybe go to Gion late evening if we still have energy to walk.

Day 2: Breakfast around southern higashiyama area. Start from Yasaka Shrine, then ninenzaka, sannenzaka and eventually Kiyomizudera. Walk back to Gion or karawamachi area for lunch. Then head straight to Ginkakuji via Philosopher path (bus to philosopher path). Take bus to Kinkakuji if time permits. In the evening after visiting kinkakuji, go to pontocho alley via bus then have dinner.

Day 3: Arashiyama area, bamboo forest in the morning. Then in the afternoon around 3-4 PM, head to Nijo area and visit Nijo castle. Dinner around the area (We’ve been to Kura sushi here before and would like to go back!)

Day 4: Free day

Day 5: Move to Nara in the morning, check in and leave bags at the hotel. Head straight to Yoshino Mountain via train. Spend the whole day at Yoshinoyama then head back to Nara to rest.

Day 6: Spend sometime to stroll around Nara, todaiji temple, Nara park etc. Lunch then head back to Kyoto then straight to Hiroshima via shinkansen. Check in at the hotel at Hiroshima and rest up. Have dinner at Hiroshima, explore Hiroshima at night.

Day 7: Head straight to Miyajima in the morning. Spend whole day at Miyajima then head back to Hiroshima to rest.

Day 8: Explore Hiroshima, Atomic Dome, peace memorial museum etc.

Day 9: Early morning, take shinkansen back to Kyoto and then head straight to Kinosaki Onsen. Check in at the hotel then explore Kinosaki Onsen.

Day 10: Breakfast at Kinosaki Ryokan and then head to Osaka. Check in and then go to Dotonbori area (or maybe better at night?). Not sure what else to do? Probaby Osaka castle but weve been here before. Also have been to Osaka Aquarium and probably wont revisit.

Day 11: USSJ

We love to go to theme parks, probably not for the rides more for the vibes and parades. Ive been wanting to to to Nintendo Land so will spend the whole day here.

Day 12: Himeji Day and Kobe day trip

Day 13: Free day shopping for shopping etc.

Day 14: Last Day at Osaka, another free day.

I know its probably not the best itinerary ever but this is what I came up with at the moment. I was hoping someone could give advice on any other areas that might be interesting to explore. We decided to skip Koyasan and Ninja village because wife was not interested in them. Me on the other hand, would really love to throw them shurikens.

Few questions I have:

1. Does the itinerary look feasible or efficient?
2. We were meant to do this trip back in Spring 2020 but was cancelled due to Covid. We have worked hard and save quite a bit of money and would like to enjoy ourselves. Is there any luxury ryokan in Kinosaki with private onsen in Guest Room that anyone can recommend? I for one, would like to sip sake while dipping myself in onsen which I dont think is possible unless its a private onsen in Guest Room.
3. Im thinking of getting 5 days Kansai – Hiroshima JR pass. To cover Nara-Hiroshima-Kinosaki-Osaka (Day 6 – 10). If i exchange the pass at 12PM on day 6, does it mean it is valid until 12PM on day 10?

Thanks in advance for reading my post!

1 comment
  1. 1. More efficient pass usage would be to shift Himeji to Day 10, so that you do not have to pay out of pocket for this trip on Day 12.

    2. Kinosaki has no ryokan with private onsen in guest room.
    * Some will have an in-room tub that is filled with heated tap water
    * Some will have private onsen located in the building (but outside the room) for guests, either payable in fixed time slots or first-come-first-serve

    3. The pass is calendar days, not 120 hours. When you exchange it the staff will ask you to specify the first day to activate the pass, for example Days 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

    Other itinerary comments:

    * On Day 2, zoom up to Kiyomizudera as quickly as you can in the morning. It opens at 6:30am and is a completely different experience with / without crowds. As one of the most famous temples it becomes very crowded especially in foliage season (late November).

    * On Day 3, the bamboo forest takes at most 30 minutes. Either do more things in Arashiyama or move Kinkakuji to this day (Day 2 looks like too much).

    * On Day 10, unless you really love Japanese castles, there is no need to visit Osaka Castle after having already seen Himeji Castle.

    Edit: for other things to explore, I suggest scrolling the Rakuten Travel recommendations for domestic tourists to see what you like, the pictures are self-explanatory and they helpfully provide key information like opening hours and transportation modes (Google Translate explains all the text):

    * Osaka:

    * Wakayama (the “Suburbs of Wakayama City” section is day trippable from Osaka):

    * Shiga (day trips from Kyoto):

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