Could I have a side gig while in JET?

I am an actor here in the states with professional training from top theater and voice acting schools in NYC and have done a couple professional jobs. I enjoy this profession and was wondering if it is possible to get it signed off by JET? In addition I am hoping to get involved in professional wrestling while in Japan. I want to understand the industry somewhere else besides USA.

  1. From what I read you can do as many hobbies or passion projects however you cannot get payed for it since you are not allowed to have a second job while being a government worker. I feel like if you were to find a organization or group for wrestling and explain your situation and interest in participating they would consider letting you join them.

  2. The issue is with your visa status and taxes.

    Do people work side gigs under the table? Of course. Is it allowed? Not really. If it’s worth the risk of being in trouble with your employer and immigration, that’s up to you.

    Some people are able to do similar category (under the instructor visa) work with their CO’s permission.

    However the blanket statement is no, it’s not allowed.

  3. >I enjoy this profession and was wondering if it is possible to get it signed off by JET?

    Not a chance. Not only is it not related to your visa (instructor visa), it will likely require you to take time off from your job as an ALTs which means your BOE and immigration will never sign off on it.

    In order for immigration to approve your side job they need written permission from your BOE stating that your side job will not interfere with your job as a JET ALT.

    If you’re lucky you may get placed at a SHS that has a drama club you maybe able to help out with.

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