I’m doing something wrong

I have been having a LOT of trouble getting a bank account here. (See my previous post for context). I heard you should be able to get a bank account in 30 minutes! How do you do that?

  1. It’ll take more than 30 minutes but take your ID and walk into a JP post branch?? It’s super easy to do just takes time

  2. 1. Walk into a bank.
    2. Tell the clerk I want to open an account.
    3. Fill their papers.
    4. ????
    5. Profit.

  3. If you have a MyNumber マイナー card it’s ridiculously easy. I applied online for a PayPay bank account and it was approved right away, because I had a マイナー card.

    Keep in mind that I’d been in the country >6 months at this point. If you’ve been here for less time, just go to the post office.

  4. Your last posts talk about changing addresses, having only 4 months left on your residence status, and getting paid for a short-term (non-permanent) job. Maybe get some stability so you don’t raise red flags.

  5. Your previous post only gives context for why you want to have a bank account. If you want help, you need to provide context about yourself: Visa, job situation, etc. And preferably some more information about what attempts you’ve made so far, and the reasons you were given for rejection.

  6. I have opened many accounts at the bank before. It has always taken at least an hour to go through all the hoops.

  7. If you’re a U.S. citizen opening a bank account will definitely take you more than 30 mins

  8. To piggyback off of other posters, it should be relatively simple to fill in the forms and receive a bankbook within the same day. Things take longer when you want to also apply for a debit card though (which is different than a cash card which can only be used to receive money in the ATMs).

    They’re probably hung up over some details about your application; have you tried clarifying with them about what’s missing or wrong?

  9. Have you… tried not leaving until you fully understand why they won’t let you open a bank account? Or what they want you to do certain procedures for. I mean. I’m sorry if that sounds snarky, but surely they told you the reason why, you’re not opening a credit or debit card, there’s no reason to stay silent on the reason. That might just help us offer better advice?

  10. Booked an appointment online.

    Walked into SMBC Nihonbashi main branch.

    Walked out within an hour

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