Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 12, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. バレーボールをする人はテニスをする人**ほど**多くありません。

    English: As for people who do volleyball, compared to people who do tennis, they are not numerous.

    I do not understand how ほど works here.

    Can someone clarify?


  2. 私と踊っていただけますか?

    Speaker Is asking a girl for a dance

    How does いただく work when used as a request such as this sentence

    Any clarification is appreciated

  3. バス**でも**行けますが時間がかかります。

    English: One can go by bus also, but it takes time.

    Is the で + も just combining the separate meanings of the particles: “by means of” + “also”?

    What’s it called, a double particle?


  4. I have been watching 志村けんの大丈夫だ and I keep hearing this quip だふんだ. Is it something like Bazingaaa! ? I cant find it on jisho.

  5. Would おそらく知って通り… or 多分知って通り… be better to say “as you probably know…” or something elses?

  6. Is there anything similar to Language Reactor for use on tablets – especially iPads? I love Language Reactor, but just do not sit in front of a computer all the time. I‘m looking for a way to control line by line Netflix subs by hand (forward/back/repeat) with only a tablet.

  7. Do I need to remember all of the conjugation rules for verbs?
    Is it OK for me just to remember that ending in -katta means a specific tense etc and memorise it like that to know its form?
    I ask this because I’m not interested in speaking or writing, just reading.

  8. How to describe “Throwing” (a ball,) action in japanese?
    I’ve got “投げます” from google. But does it include “tossing” , “throwing”, “launching (a ball)” type of actions.?

  9. Can 半分 be used to describe race / descent? What word should be used to describe half/mixed race / descent ;Ive heard an interview where someone said they were half japanese and half german, but i;ve forgotten the word they used for it (and i lost my note)
    Edit: I think it’s Haafu, but do you use it with の particle?

    Eg) 私は中国のハーフと日本のハーフ
    Is this sentence sensical?

  10. 入手します vs 受けます vs もらえます.
    Context : When searching “Where can i get information”, the translation “どこで情報を入手できますか. But i thought it would be どこで情報もらえますか/うけますか? So… whats the difference in such context?

  11. There’s this sentence in an anime I’m having a bit of trouble with:


    The official English translation went for a completely different sentence so that doesn’t help.

    I think the approximate meaning of the sentence is “But there are adults and the environment, which led her in the wrong direction”. (The person speaking is talking about a girl)

    The one thing I cannot understand is, what does それ refer to in the sentence? is it the girl? I’ve never seen それ being used to refer to a person. Besides he almost always refers to her as アイツ. But as far as I understand when using 導く、 を is used for the person being led. E.g 彼女は老人を部屋に導いた.

    Thank you for any help

  12. What’s the difference between 質量 vs 体重 vs 重さ vs 重量 ?

    Here is how I understand them:

    * 質量 : Mass (in kg)
    * 体重 : Mass of a living being’s body
    * 重さ : Weight (in Newton)
    * 重量 : Weight, synonym of 重さ

  13. What difference in tone if any is there between 起きる and 起こる when used to mean “happen” or “occur?”

  14. **「名乗るほどの者ではありませんよ」**
    **Hope someone could explains to me the meaning of this sentence (my guess but not sure: “I’m not the person who’s worthy for you to know the name” ?)**

    Context: MC is a ninja, and he infiltrated inside a mansion, then encountered a noble woman who is the owner of this mansion.








  15. I learned the sentence:

    プレセンのじゅんびをしています (I’m preparing for a presentation)

    I was curious if there was an actual verb word rather than the noun+suru.

    Turns out もうける means “to prepare.”

    If I said: プレセンのもうけています wouldn’t I get the same thing?

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