North Korea launches missile headed to Hokkaido, residents warned to immediately flee to shelter


Probably just going over Hokkaido into the Pacific Ocean, at least lets all hope so.

  1. Sapporo resident here. Seems like everyone is just going about their day. The alert on my phone did get me to wake up and get out of bed though.

  2. Same old news. Hokkaido could be in the flight path. Missile fails though and crashes away from Hokkaido. 自民党 then pushes through another plan to buy more US military hardware because of the NK threat.

    I swear NK, US and Japan are all in on it together to produce military hardware.

  3. “The updated info states that there is no possibility of it landing in or near Hokkaido.” – NHK NEWS TV

  4. Hope that none of these missiles malfunction and hit any part of Japan (or any other country for that matter).

  5. Oh god again? I lived in Hokkaido when one of these went over my town. The tsunami sirens started going off and my phone had a text message that took me forever to understand was actually saying Missile in katakana, because it was just so out of the scope of my expectations of emergency warnings my brain couldn’t even compute it. Like what do you even do?

  6. My wife was going apeshit this morning while she was watching Japanese TV. My son and daughter-in-law live in Sapporo so she was quite upset. Everything is OK but North Korea is going to get nuked eventually by their bad behavior.

  7. Many sensitive people on this forum that’s for sure!
    Thanks for your anonymous coward votes /s

    I’m not sympathetic to north Korea’s missiles in any way but I don’t think the Japanese government’s approach (including the media hysteria) is going to help this problem.

    There needs to be a more cool and concerted approach. Inciting panic among Japanese will be counter productive. It’s a “walk don’t run” type situation.

    Of course North Korea should cease and desist immediately without any question.

  8. This isn’t the first time. North Korea is conducting some type of drill. Japan need to be in high alert. Maybe they should launch a missile a few kilometers away from Korean coast

  9. Japanese people have been subjected to earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, typhoons, a couple atomic bombs and a partial meltdown of a nuke reactor. Having a chubby dictator lob missiles over their heads is probably boring by now.

  10. North Korea does this to remind everyone that, if we attack them, they have the ability to punch back.

    But—godddamit!—one of these days, the countries around them will just get fed up and invade them and take over. If any country other than China does this, China will lose its fricken mind and re-invade. (China has PTSD from Japan’s last occupation.Their public school education still repeatedly reminds little kids of what monsters the Japanese are. Same in Korea.)

    So I really hope China is the one to take over North Korea.

    Why not South Korea? I’ve talked to Koreans about this. Obviously just a few people, so my info is purely anecdotal. Anyway, they don’t want to clean up the environmental mess of North Korea, or deal with the culture of North Korean people. They just don’t want to touch them.

    Of course, if the US or any other big country took over NK, China would give them ten minutes to leave before nuking them.

  11. I hope it crashes into a field in Hokkaido as it will teach the NKs a lesson. Japan would have to do something about the continued missile launches over the country. It has been happening forever….and needs to stop

  12. Poor Japan. I’m honestly a bit afraid one of these missile tests will fly too far.

    Problem is, as I saw someone else mention, it could turn into a “boy cried wolf” scenario – and all these misses could make people let their guard down for when one *doesn’t.*

    Hoping everyone stays safe.

  13. Ironically they’re trying desperately to hit something but they’re just that pathetic.

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