Forgive me, but I am a fan of Safeway sushi🍣🍣

Forgive me, but I am a fan of Safeway sushi🍣🍣

  1. Our Safeway now has a sushi counter with a guy preparing sushi. I might give it a try. One problem with prepared sushi is that the rice gets too firm.

    They also have a poke and teriyaki counter. But they’re not cheap. The poke and teriyaki are $10 or more.

  2. As a pool guy, our work tends to bring us to convenience vs quality and I try to make sure I eat right when on the go. Grocery sushi may not be ideal but there’s some quality out there once you know which grocers have good sushi chefs.

  3. I admit I occasionally like getting sushi from my local grocery store…it’s not amazing, but it’s not terrible.

  4. I won’t forgive you, but I will give you my respect for admitting that online.

    Signed, the same man who eats commissary sushi.

  5. I was a sushi chef at food City when I was in between restaurants. I was proud of our sushi and stood behind it. Too bad the rice gets all nasty in the cooler 🙁

  6. Some Fred Meyer locations do sushi boats to-go and they’re surprisingly good for the price.

  7. Yours has a huge selection! I actually really like the person they had making it in my last town. Hed offer to make us custom stuff all the time.

  8. My beef with grocery store sushi (besides cold rice) is it always has avocado in it…. I’m allergic and usually end up settling for the inari sushi, because that’s basically impossible to fuck up.

    This selection looks impeccable though.

  9. my SO gets it often. it isnt priced too bad and is convenient. if you talk to the chef they will make it fresh for you (that has been my experience at least).

  10. I COULDN’T AGREE MORE. Last time I was in the States, I had safreway sushi way more than I should.

  11. I used to shop at the Safeways in Hawaii and their Sushi Counters were like nothing I had ever seen. Massive Sushi Displays, they had entire racks for Poke and Spicy Tuna/Salmon, kind of like how Meat Counters are in large grocery stores across the US. Oh how I miss it. Their Sushi was some of the best I’ve ever had. So fresh.

  12. Our Publix sushi demand has exploded! It used to be one woman working every day and now it’s two or three people…especially on $5 sushi Wednesdays!

  13. The Safeway in my hometown always had some fire sushi. Every time I visit I make sure to make a stop there

  14. All of the krogers in my state changed away from AFC. I miss that shit every day. AFC is better than most of the actual sushi restaurants out here, and much more affordable too

  15. Our whole foods has good sushi but for what they charge you may as well go to a restaurant. Might even be cheaper.

  16. Back in college I used to be a regular for Safeway sushi and the chef would make me riced cakes if I asked. I miss that man.

  17. Frys in the Midwest has sushi too, and though it’s overpriced as hell, it’s pretty damn good

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