How learning Japanese affects one’s everyday life

Has anyones else begun defaulting to reading comics right to left? Every time I see a comic strip these days my eyes immediately dart to the top right, and I have to consciously stop myself from reading “backwards”.

I thought this was kind of interesting, and was wondering if anyone else can share similar changes they’ve experienced in everyday life from a result of learning Japanese.

Another one for me is using Japanese expressions instead of English ones, especially 仕方ない, よしよし, 可愛い etc.

  1. > Has anyones else begun defaulting to reading comics right to left?

    no heh

    main thing I feel is different is lack of free time

  2. >Has anyones else begun defaulting to reading comics right to left?

    Incidentally, I never got into western comics, so as far as visual storytelling in print goes, the manga way had been the *only* way I was familiar with. It wasn’t until I took a class on (western) comics as literature in college that I felt the need to adjust to reading comics normally.

  3. I’ve caught myself saying「すみません」to strangers a few times. I live in Poland.

  4. I sometimes dream in Japanese. Really weird when your coworkers/friends suddenly speak perfect Japanese in your dreams and they do not know Japanese in real life. Nightmare fuel basically.

  5. That’s interesting although I can see how that would happen :). I personally only ever watched/read/listened to stuff in Japanese during my most hardcore language learning period which lasted a bit over 2 years (I live in US).

    After I relaxed a bit more with the language it was weird getting back to reading stuff in English. I often found myself just setting it down in favor of more Japanese stuff…even other languages im learning (like Italian) became harder….because I just keep preferring to do just Japanese.

  6. When I want to flip through books, I usually open them from the “back”, and I tend to think of Japanese idioms/sayings before Western ones. Both of those go back to when I studied Japanese in HS (20 years ago). Don’t think I’ve picked up any new habits since I restarted my studies last year…

  7. Depends on what I’m reading. Someone’s I’ll read a translated Japanese comic and be confused when the order is “wrong.”

  8. For a while now I have this issue of whenever I read a new word i didn’t know in English, I’ll try to sound it out but using Japanese sounds instead of the default. Like if I didn’t know what the word “fun” is, I’d read it or sound it out like I’m reading Japanese.

  9. 自分は英語を学びたい日本人です!やっぱり語学習得は実際に使ってみるのが一番ですね!

    I am a Japanese who wants to learn English! After all, the best way to learn a language is to actually use it!

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