Tips for N4 learner going to Japan for 3 months?

Hey guys, was wondering if there were any tips you guys had for someone at a low N4 level (I really struggle with grammar tbh) who’s going to be spending all of summer in Japan, specifically Tokyo. I plan on attending a language school for two of the months and getting private tutoring lessons for the other month. Other than just normal studying, are there any tips to ensure I get the most out of my trip? Ideally I want to come out of it more confident in speaking and having a better grasp on grammar. Is it even possible for me to get to a high N3 level within the span of 3 months? What makes me most nervous is the possibility that I don’t improve at all.

  1. If you study and expose yourself to the language then not improving at all isn’t really possible. Just put yourself out there and make the most of it!

  2. You got time to hit the early to mid n3s if you’re not leaving until July without beating yourself up too much.

  3. * Keep on top of your work, and check things you’re unsure about.

    * Go out and socialise when possible. Getting used to Japanese is a massive part of learning it.

    * Avoid the Gaijin Bubble.

    The last one is my biggest one, especially for a 3 month trip. It’s very easy in a big city like Tokyo to find yourself in the gaijin bubble, and though this can be quite fun, and provides a nice safety net, getting caught in the bubble carries a sizeable opportunity cost.

    Some international bars can be alright, but try to make some Japanese friends who will actually try to speak Japanese; ideally *with* you, but failing that, at least *at* you. (Unfortunately the only good one I know is in Fukuoka. If there’s one in Tokyo, I’d like to know about it, but the influence of Hub is pretty strong in here

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