Japan Post Bank- “Inquiry about international remittance”

Hey everyone,


My mother send me a chunck of money, around 11k$, to my Japan Post bank account.

I did receive an interesting letter from Japan Post Bank today, saying that they will withold that money untill Ive sent them additional documents. The documents they were asking for are a copy of my Student ID and Residence card, a document proving the relation between me and my mother, and a copy of my mothers ID. I also had to answer a few questions if the money was used to finance Irans or North Koreas nuclear/missile program.

I did send them all the documents asking for it, but I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience with that? It stated in the letter it could take up to a month for confirmation, and that they still could deny the charge.

Also, since I am from a non-English speaking country, the document I sent them confirming my relation with my mother (my birth certificate) isnt in English, would that be a problem? It shows both my and my mothers name clearly, but Im just wondering if they’d deny it, since it isnt in English. (its not a hard to understand document though, the entire certificate has maybe 3 sentence or so)

In general, are these checks a serious matter or more of a formality?


Thanks in advance for any help.

1 comment
  1. Basically they want to confirm that the money is for you and yours. It would be bad if that amount of money ended up in the wrong persons account.

    The other stuff is just some anti money laundering/terrorism stuff. Completely normal.

    I have no idea, as I’m not on a student visa, but I’d find out if that amount puts you into a certain income bracket that will be taxed. I’ve heard that even a ‘gift’ of more than Â¥1.1m between spouses can be taxed.

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