Genki 1 and 2 Grammar Marathon anyone can join!

Hey, I’m doing a challenge of one Genki chapter a day until I finish both book. I have some friends over discord who’re doing it with me, sometime we’ll do it all together over voice chat, other times we’ll it by ourselves, the important is to not miss a day 😀
You can join our discord here: [](

I’ve went through Genki in my japanese class many years ago but my grammar is extremely bad right now and I’ve just been all around slacking for the past years. This challenge is a fun way to get my grammar back up so I can resume my jp studies back to where they were before as soon as possible. Wether you’re brand new or a veteran in need of some refreshing you’re welcome to join us.

  1. Isn’t one whole chapter a day too fast? How will you make sure that the new grammar sticks?

  2. Are you not doing the exercises, workbook, or learning Kanji along with it? It takes me 1-2 weeks to get through a whole chapter if I’m studying for 1-2 hours every weekday.

  3. It sounds like a fun idea for those who can. I first started about a year ago, and due to personal reasons, I had to take a 5 month break from studying. I’m currently at Lesson 7 so, I’m averaging at about one chapter per month. Which I know is on the extra slow side.

    By doing one chapter a day, you guys should be done in about 23 days total for both books. You probably already have this resource. But I’d recommend that you guys watch ToKini Andy’s series? One of you can host a daily video through an activity. I know that Lesson 3 specifically made me seek his videos out.

  4. Yeah, good luck. Unless you literally need just a refresher (as in, glancing at the grammar for a minute to remind yourself), this ain’t gonna stick. Honestly sounds like a waste of a month that could be spent learning in a way that’ll make it all stick.

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