Need help with understanding a sentence in Japanese

Hello! I’m not sure if this falls under the disallowed post types but I’m going to post it anyway, just in case it doesn’t. I recently came across an article about Nintendo, and a section of the article talks about a specific case where Nintendo threatened another company for mimicking Mario Kart street races. The specific sentence I’m struggling with is 「ですが彼らの顧客がファミリ一層であることを理解する必要があります。」I’m not quite understanding the meaning of ファミリ一層, and was wondering if anyone could help? I understand the sentence as Nintendo needing to grasp the fact that its customers are its “familial layer” but I’m almost certain that’s not quite what it means. Thank you in advance!

  1. Without seeing any of the sentences before, I would guess they’re saying “However, what they need to recognize is that their (the cart race guys) customers are part of the “family” (Nintendo’s).” In other words, by attacking them Nintendo is attacking its own “family”. Maybe?

  2. Basically a stereotypical family – father, mother and children. ファミリー here refers to the same general concept as family in ファミレス.

  3. For those who don’t know, chatGPT is actually good for language related stuff. Yes, it’s not perfect but and makes mistakes sometimes but it has helped me quite a bit with my Japanese learning.

  4. 層 usually refers to demographics. So the typical customers are the “family” demographic as opposed to say, single young adults or retirees or something.

  5. It says “I(we or you) need to recognise that their customers are mainly family demographic.

    More accurately said, “We need to recognise that Nintendo’s customers are mainly kids and their parents”

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