Dog-Friendly Areas in Yokohama to live?

I am looking for advice on where to live in Yokohama that will offer the best dog-friendly lifestyle. I am very familiar with Tokyo from previous trips, but Yokohama is completely foreign to me. We are interested in areas close to dog runs, doggy daycare, etc.

I will be doing a multi-year company transfer to Japan and have a fairly comfortable expat package which includes company-paid 350000yen rental budget, a company vehicle, and all moving/house hunting services taken care of. It will be myself, wife, and our 20kg Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Our dog is well behaved but very very active. Without 1-2hrs of (off leash) daily exercise he becomes a handful.

Also open to suggestions of other areas within Kanagawa prefecture that may fit our needs.

  1. Hi there! Our dog isn’t here yet, but I’ve been researching similar information and I live in Yokohama.

    There are relatively few off-leash dog runs in Yokohama, but they exist. Yokohama city has a [website]( with information in English.

    We live closer in to the center of the city and I’ve only found two doggy daycares (Wancott, Dog Stars) that make sense for a larger dog— but they don’t seem to be similar to the “doggy day care” in the US that I’m used to. They appear to be more set up for boarding or having the owner bring them to play, not the sort of “drop off for the day,” kind of place. Dog Stars does have a 犬幼稚園 service which seems closest to the doggy day care that I’m used to. Given that they’re in the middle of the city, driving/parking might be a pain.

    You may have better luck outside of the center of the city.

    ETA: the search term you’re looking for is ドッグラン, there are private ones that you can pay for. Do a google search for the area you’re interested in.

  2. I think you should be more worried about a house that’ll accept that breed and size of dog (unless you’re US military?).

    You can ask for a house with a yard; but understand this will be a small garden or patio unless you find a place a little further from urban centers. It won’t be American-sizes. But, I suggest starting to get your dog getting used to getting its energy out on leashed walks.

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