University Search Problems

I’ve been dying to go to Japan and Japanese Universities for almost 3 years now. But unfortunately due to Covid I had to start College in the U.S. I’m currently enrolled in a community college, while not expensive they don’t have study abroad programs. And I would really prefer being a student at a Japanese University and not just a study abroad kid.

I’m just about to finish my first year of college, so if I try to get into a Japanese University will that make my credits earned my first year void? Or is there any way I could get into Japanese University without having this happen? Should I just go to U.S. university and study abroad?


  1. >if I try to get into a Japanese University will that make my credits earned my first year void?

    Yes; transfer credits, especially from foreign schools, aren’t really a thing here.

    >Should I just go to U.S. university and study abroad?

    This is the best solution. Get good grades for two years, transfer to a better school to finish your degree. The degree will be more attractive too.

  2. Going to community college is structured so that you transfer to a U.S. university after two years. It’d be silly to throw away all that work just for Japan. Studying abroad for a semester or year once you transfer is a MUCH smarter decision.

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