How to get a bank account as a student ?

Does anyone know how to get a bank account over here as a student ? It’s basically impossible from what I’m gathering. JP bank won’t do it because my student card shortened my middle name to one letter and it’s university policy to not change the document after enrolment. Rakuten bank sent me an email saying they won’t do it but didn’t give me a reason. Sony bank, 7/11 bank etc require you to have been here for like 3/6 months already or have a full time job. Is there any bank at all that will accept a foreign student under these circumstances ?

  1. Check mizuho. While this is like 10 years ago, I made mine on day 2 of arriving here. Though Jp is rhe easiest. I opened an account there and went to mizuho to do the same. Since you have that name issue do check in with the other bank

  2. When I was a student, I didn’t have to show my student card at JP bank. I gave them my zairyu card. Opening an account was quick and painless.

  3. Many full time students from abroad and exchange students are able to open a bank account here.

    Your student visa has to be valid for 3 months or longer on the day when you open a bank account.
    However, you aren’t allowed to open an account if you stay here less than 6 months.

    If you are a student who stays here longer than 6 months and your current student visa is valid for 3 months or longer, I think it’s possible to open an account at a nearest bank branch from your apartment or uni.

  4. Your school doesn’t help you with that? When I was studying abroad for a year, the school arranged for staff from a local bank to come in and set us all up with our accounts and cash cards. I’m surprised to hear they didn’t do that for you too. Is there someone from your school who you can talk to for advice?

    Otherewise, this link has some banks they recommend as foreigner friendly, but I wonder if you might run into the same issues: [How to Open a Bank Account in Japan and Recommended Banks | G Talent Blog](

  5. I just arrived few weeks back and didn’t have any problem with opening an account. A school coordinator/staff should at least be assisting you in these kind of stuff. Making sure you are settling down properly. Better consult them moving forward. All the best!

  6. This is probably not worth the hassle if you are only here in the short term, but if you are planning on being here a while you could try registering the name on your student ID as an alias and getting the My Number card, which will then prove the alias (maybe juminhyo also does this?)

    What do you need a bank account for? Maybe you can get by with something like PayPay, Wise, and prepaid credit cards until you’ve been here more than 6 months.

  7. I’d recommend Shinsei Bank. I made an account easily with them when I was a student. They were by far the most similar to western banks at the time too (and by that I mean best). They have full English support at some branches too so even if your Japanese isn’t great it shouldn’t be a problem.

    They’ve declined in quality a bit over the years with things like tacking extra requirements on free cash withdrawals (used to just be 100% free everywhere all the time), they even had a takeover and slight name change, but IMO they’re still the best bank in Japan.

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