BYOB at NPB? Can we take our own booze to baseball games still/now?

Or is/was this just a Koshien thing? When I lived in Osaka we’d always take a few kombini drinks into Koshien that they’d pour into paper cups at the gate, but when I went to Tokyo Dome a couple of weeks ago expecting the same thing they were taken from me at the entrance. Is this a thing that they stopped during lockdowns or just only allowed at some stadiums? If the latter, can I take some beers into Meiji Jingu? Does Koshien still allow it? Searched around and couldn’t find any news either way, cheers.

  1. You can bring your own drinks if they’re in pet bottles or thermoses. You can’t bring in cans or glass bottles.

    They used to let you pour your can/glass bottle drink into a paper cup to bring in but I guess they don’t do that anymore.

  2. What I usually do is buy Strong Zero and put them in another bottle that you can’t see the contents like a Thermos bottle or 2l plastic bottle the kids take to sports practice in summer. Make sure there is plenty of ice to keep the drinks cool too.

    Pre-covid I used to bring 1 can and get that poured into the cup they give so then I could reuse the cup and it looked like I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Now I buy 1 drink from the stadium and use that cup and just keep pouring in to that.

    Nobody has ever questioned me and it saves a lot of money compared to paying stadium prices for beers and chuu-hai.

  3. >>Does Koshien still allow it?

    Depends on the game.

    For the spring/summer Koushien tournament, it’s anything goes.

    For Tigers games, they will half-assedly look at the top of your bag and ask if you have glass/cans inside.

    (Also, in general, I’ve noticed gate security is tighter at the Tokyo Dome for some reason compared to other stadiums)

  4. Yes, Koshien still allows you to pour your cans of beer into cups at Tigers games. I did it 3 weeks ago there.

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