Opinion wanted

So I’m learning Japanese (no durr) but I’m for now focusing on learning hiragana and katakana before I focus on the words and grammar, is this a viable way to approach the task? Memorised hiragana so I’m very proud of that and know a couple words and phrases. Very few though

  1. I mean you need to be able to at least read hiragana to learn any Japanese words whatsoever, so yes this is a good start!

  2. That’s the best way! Learn how to write the Kana too to memorize it better. It has stroke order. Even more better if you print the Hiragana and Katakana charts and stick it somewhere you easily see.

  3. definitely get the kana down but you don’t need to silo things like this going forward, just learn a little of everything as you go. everything reinforces everything else. think holistic.

  4. That’s the best way to go about it. Most textbooks and other sources will assume you’re able to fluently read kana pretty soon after starting.

    1) Kana, basic words and phrases: はじめまして よろしく おねがいしょます わたし なまえ にほんご

    2) Basic words and phrases in context (simple sentences): はじめまして。わたしの なまえは ジョン・スミスです。よろしくおねがいします。にほんごを べんきょう します。(words and basic phrases with a basic sentence)

    3) Substituting kanji for words, making more complex sentences: はじめまして。私の名前はジョン・スミスです。日本語をべんきょうしています。よろしくおねがいします。

    4) Repeat step 3 ad infinitum until you’re proficient/fluent

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