Unable to find Memrise app Kanji flashcards

Hello. 3 years back I learnt Japanese Kanjis using flashcards on memrise app. The flashcards were made by common users had many tips and tricks on how to remember a Kanji.

I’m preparing for JLPT N3 now, and unable to find those flashcards. All what I can find now is gaming version which doesn’t have tips on how to remember a kanji.

Can anyone help me to find those flashcards?

1 comment
  1. Memrise removed the “Mem” function for user-generated hints for cards a while ago, sadly, if that’s what you’re referring to. As a longtime Memrise user, I also miss it. But there are still plenty of good decks on Memrise for N3 and other JLPT levels. Here’s the soumatome n3 kanji deck, but you can find others. http://www.memrise.com/course/256775/

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