To any current JETs taking the Translation Course

Using the mobile app so I apologize if the formatting might look weird.

We’re all currently on month 3 of these sessions. And I’ve been searching for a while but cannot find anything regarding what is considered a “Passing Score” on each of our Monthly Unit tests. And if it’s written somewhere please let me know.

Does anyone know what the required score is to pass?
Also has anyone else found that the Lessons provided for the test have absolutely nothing to do with the tests?

Any insight or things I might be wrong about is appreciated. Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Currently taking it.

    70% and above is passing. Anything below is failing.

    On the 8th page of the 受講前説明 it says 「6回すべてのテストで70点以上の成績を収めた受講者には修了証が発行されます。」



    Yeah, my friend who took it last year told me the lessons are all incredibly easy and have nothing to do with the actual tests.

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