Jumping Spider Toilet Room Issue

So every time I go to the toilet room during the day time there is this little jumping spider that appears on top of the little sink at the top of the toilet near the base of the faucet, when he sees me come in he stares at me and sometimes jumps back behind the toilet, and then slowly pops up again peeking at me and making his way back to the base of the faucet.

Since noticing him, I feel scared to take a wiz because don’t want him to see my private parts and more scared to turn my back on him and do a number 2. I just stare back at him but not sure what to do about it.

My toilet room in my apartment is very small and it’s really traumatic for me to go in there to get relief with this little spider staring at me.

Both me and my gf tried to capture him in a jar to put him outside, but it seems impossible since he just jumps somewhere behind the toilet each time.

I’ve been doing my number ones in the shower/bath room in the mean time, and do my number twos at the nearby seven eleven, since this new jumping spider fellow appeared.

I’ve never encountered a spider that just stares at me and can see my face and react to my facial expressions, and it’s freaking me out!

I don’t like this little guy taking over my toilet room.

My apartment is old and wooden and I’m on the second floor. I wouldn’t mind him in the living room or elsewhere, but why did be choose to hang out in the toilet room?

Anyway, what can or what should I do about it? Call pest control and pay them? I’m open to anything at this point.

Am I too paranoid, worried about some little spider taking up residence in my toilet room? How do others handle these little guys, I hear they’re pretty common in Japan? So coming here for advice.

  1. Spider bro don’t care about your junk. Spider bro is there to keep the roaches from murdering you in your sleep. Spider bro is a true bro and would never peek.

  2. He’s not selling your potty pics on the web if that is your worry.

  3. I think he’s adopted you (not kidding, either). I’ve heard of similar behavior from jumping spiders before.

    Just leave him be. He’ll eat cockroach babies and mosquitoes, other small insects.

    Just be glad it’s not a huntsman.

  4. Look, if it was a cockroach, you’d be well justified in dousing the entire building in gasoline, setting fire to it and driving back-and-forth over the remains with an armored bulldozer, but it’s just an itty-bitty little spider which helps out by eating the icky-bicky roach babies and whatever.

  5. >I feel scared to take a wiz because don’t want him to see my private parts

    Be honest, are you on drugs right now?

    Seriously, it’s a jumping spider. It’s not gonna mess with you unless you mess with it. Just leave it alone and it’ll eat other bugs that get into your house.

  6. Not sure which would be more demented: that this story is true, or that you find making up stories like this fun.

  7. This gotta be a shitpost, right? Going to the Seven Eleven to shit because of a jumping spider?

    If not, my brother in Christ, ignore the spider, it literally cannot harm you in any way if it somehow had enough malevolence in its little brain to attempt to. It’s not gonna post your dick on Instagram.

  8. Are you afraid of spiders? I get it.

    Honestly, I would be afraid to sit knowing a spider is living inches behind me.

    Just take a deep breathe though. It won’t go near you, bite you or try to harm you in any way. It’s just looking for food that it knows it can eat.

    Unless you vacuum the thing up, there’s not much you can do because it is probably too fast to swat and kill.

  9. We loved the jumping spider that lived in our bathroom for a long while, they’re very playful, more likely to hide/run than to bite, and even if it did bite they aren’t poisonous. I think they just like areas near water? Because we had another that hung around the kitchen sink for a long time too. If you really can’t take it, could hang a curtain or something you can slide when you’re the one using the bathroom? Then something has your back? Since you’re afraid to put your back to it?

  10. Put a little capful of water out for him, he’s probably just thirsty!

  11. If it’s affecting your quality of life this much you could just buy insect spray to kill it with, since you haven’t had any luck getting it in a jar

  12. It’s harmless, don’t worry. I have 4 of them as my roommates throughout my apartment sometimes, they do no harm and if anything they can get the real bad guys. Spiders are your friends not enemies and even before I came to Japan during my work Orientation they mention even those big huntsman spiders are “ friends not enemies”. So jumping spider is nothing. There’s an Instagram page of videos of these lil dudes because there’s people out there( me included) that find them cute, haha

  13. lol just spray it. I hold my green spray with a long tube close somewhere.

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