a shitpost i conceived: booking these two triple threats for BOSJ finals or something

a shitpost i conceived: booking these two triple threats for BOSJ finals or something

  1. yoshi-hashi vs fletcher vs evil

    standard match eventually fletcher and YH get their sho to-go and evil wins by pinning kyle

    after the match the entirety of UE have enough and just completely maul hot. really to an uncomfortable degree. khan casts a spell on sho’s wrench which sends him into hysterics. they stack three tables on top of each other and throw togo through them from the corner. yoshi hashi recovers and UE let’s him get his shit in too

    goto vs yujiro vs new japan cup 2023 semifinalist mark davis

    yujiro comes out and just stands in the ring like im in danger. goto comes out and beats up hot as well. takes everything out on evil for trapping him in this time vortex feud for the past year and a half. new japan cup 2023 semifinalist mark davis comes out next and also beats up hot. after that a sinkhole opens up and evil and sho and togo all fall in

    goto and new japan cup 2023 semifinalist mark davis then take out yujiro immediately and have a strong lad singles match while occasionally pausing to beat up yujiro which goto wins

    why am i not booking this?

  2. Only if both of these matches are for the tag titles and the two winners have to form a tag team.

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