Is “Japanese from Zero!” a good source to start from?

I know how to read Romanji and I kinda have a memory of the common pronunciation of a lot of words bc of anime, but I want to take it seriously and I’m not very free most of the time so is it a good source to start from?

  1. I think it’s a perfectly fine place to start. It’s paced slower than some other textbooks which is a problem for some people, but if you’re just starting off by yourself I don’t think is a huge detriment.

    The weirdest part of it is it teachers Hiragana using what they call the progressive system. Instead of learning Hiragana all at once it teaches you between 5-15 characters a chapter slowly replacing the romaji with hiragana. In the middle chapters of the book things get a bit weird with everything half in romaji half in kana, but with you not knowing Hiragana that might not be an issue.

    There are also free YouTube videos that accompanies each chapter of the book for a review/extra practice.

  2. It’s very meh. It’s made for extremely low commitment users, so it could be good in that regard, but it teaches the writing system very oddly, and beyond the first book is reported to have many typos.

  3. The author’s YouTube video series is really good, but like other’s have said. I’ve heard the textbook is pretty slow paced

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