Writing etiquette – pencil or pen.

I am currently working in an independent “international school” and it\`s fair to say there are some rather anachronistic values held by higher level staff. I had never really though about it before, and don\`t really consider it at all important to my classes.

However, my curiosity is piqued and I wanted to know what peoples\` general experience was, whether there were and set guidelines in their schools. Across the board would be nice, I\`m genuinely curious. Age groups, subjects. Please let me know, thank you.

  1. Assuming you mean students…elementary kids, pencils. Junior high, mechanical pencils. Everyone else can decide for themselves. Lots of kindergarten teachers have this ingrained note taking process, in pencil. They will quickly erase and update changes in their neat little note books. Must be something they cover at uni.

  2. I saw mechanical pencils used mainly in 6th. Lower grades use pencils.

    Edit: Oops, someone else said it first. My bad.

  3. If it’s an IB school (mine is) the students are required to write in pen and to make sure that anything they don’t want to be marked is clearly crossed out. For the exams I think it has to do with scanning the documents (black pen scans more easily) but I think another underlying idea is linked to academic honesty and making sure that the students’ thought process can be clearly seen. It can look really messy though!

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