Immigration and Japanese Language Ability (Japanese Uni Graduate)

Hi everyone. Sorry if this is more appropriate for JLPT sub but it’s more centered around immigration procedures.

I’m an American who graduated from a Japanese university and continued post-graduation job searching. Recently, I have received an offer from a fairly well-known company and passed all of their interview stages (in Japanese). However, I do not hold JLPT scores which has caused a little bit of panic in regard to how the status change procedures might go.

For reference, I was told by the hiring manager it is likely that I will apply for the “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” work visa. In principle, the status does not require proficiency test scores, but I also heard that they could reject your status change application if they feel your Japanese level is not up to par? Which sounds horrendously vague.

I have passed the interviews which were all conducted in Japanese, graduated from a 4-year Japanese university, and plan to use my transcripts and graduation certificates as potential “proof”, but would the absence of JLPT be that detrimental? My studies are very much related to the type of company I plan to work for as well.

Perhaps there are people working with Japanese as the primary language/people with the “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” status who could help? Anything is greatly appreciated.

  1. The first time that I hear something like this. What you heard is from your hopefully future employer or from some Google Research?

  2. >, but I also heard that they could reject your status change application if they feel your Japanese level is not up to par?

    First time I’ve ever heard of this. There’s plenty of people here with very poor or even non-existent Japanese skills that have been given 1, 3, or 5 year visas, so no need to worry.

  3. I help process visa sometimes for a few companies, they dont care about JLPT for this visa type though it supposedly helps, i dont see how unless youve got criminal records and such that make it a higher hurdle than usual

  4. you don’t even need to talk at immigration office. Just give them the docs. They will never know how bad your japanese lvl. And they actually doesn’t care at all

  5. I’ve never heard of a JPLT score requirement for immigration. Companies may require them for employment but AFAIK they aren’t required for getting a visa.

  6. I held an Engineer visa for over a decade. At no point in time did immigration ask about or care about my language ability

  7. your japanese language ability should not matter as long as there is a company to sponsor your visa and you have at least bachelor degree.

    some of my friends just know konnichiwa and they all have engineering visa.

  8. Exactly what job role are you due to start working? JLPT It’s not necessarily a requirement for the E/H/IS SOR. But just remember the SOR, even though a broad SOR is unique to each person’s CoAE (certificate of authorized employment).

    What I mean there is, it’s possible JLPT certificates could be required for certain job roles where health and safety is an issue, where it’s vital the foreigner to be able to communicate in Japanese (which Japanese language proficiency unfortunately is objectively measured by JLPT… even though in reality your Japanese proficiency is clearly way above suitable)

    Other then that though, you’re quite likely to find you have no issues. As long as qualify on paper for the job role, you should be all good.

    JLPT can help count for points for the highly skilled professional visa though. So maybe could be confusion there.

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