Favorite ice cream from the supermarket?

I want to bulk and since I can’t get hold of jerky I guess it has to be ice cream

am not a fan of Lady Borden (or maybe chocolate is just not a great flavor from them) – what ice cream do you guys like?

  1. Not a fan of Lady Borden either. I like Haagen-Dazs, Morinaga Mow, and Meiji Super Cup.

  2. パルムParm
    Strawberry one is amazing
    Another one is Sof (ソフ) is a soft cream. The melon one is amazing, too!
    One that is hard to find but really good is Motueka Creamery. They don’t have many flavors, but wildberries and passion fruit were really good

  3. Palitte. The ratio of ice cream to chocolate is just right and then you get to the cone part for the crunchy goodness.

  4. Daiei/Aeon has 1L containers of NZ ice cream for a reasonable price. I like the double caramel one myself (Hokey Pokey in NZ).

  5. thanks everyone. it seems like Parm and Godiva are worth trying. didn’t know the latter made ice cream.

    and didn’t know kaldi sold jerky. don’t have one near me but I’ll drop by one the next time I see it

  6. Some Aeons have Hokey Pokey from NZ. If you find it, you won’t be sorry.

  7. Gonu super has the big chocolate/ vanilla mix .. only way to make and get a large size tasty milkshake in Japan..

  8. Surprised no one has mentioned haagen das yet. The caramel’s the best.

  9. Co-op grocery chains (Hokkaido, not sure about the rest of Japan) have big ice creams from NZ that are fantastic. Only flavors I’ve seen are vanilla, peach, and mixed berry, but they’re all great.

  10. Find a Chateraise! Awesome ice cream, and pretty cheap too.

    As mentioned earlier, Aeon carries various kinds of NZ ice cream … surely the worlds best ~

  11. Lot’s of calories in a small snack, ジャンボ is what you need! Also consider the roll cakes, manju and dango.

    There’s also the fried options at the front of all kobinis. Proper dirty bulk like, but you will certainly bulk.

  12. Hagen danz mountain chocolate fudge!!!!! It’s limited edition so get lots!!

  13. Odakyu OX carries a brand called Motueka Creamery. Their passion fruit one is so fucking delicious.

  14. Choco bakki, or if it’s summit, the Mont Blanc Pistachio one.

    If it’s conbini, then it’s gotta be 7/11’s Nana Parfait.

  15. Ohayo Brulee ice cream is amazing!

    Creme Brulee ice cream is something I wish I had tried many years ago.

  16. blue seal, parm, lady borden, giant ice cream cone and the milk & butter ice cream bars with the cute cows on them

  17. ビエネッタ(Viennetta)

    しっとりビスケットサンド(Sittori Biscuits Sand)

  18. I’ve heard of the Black Mont Blanc, which sounds pretty good. I wonder if it can be found in Fukuoka when I visit

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