Reporting overdue gift tax: looking for a tax expert in Tokyo

A few years back, my spouse got a monetary gift. Not too big, but just enough to exceed
the tax-free limit for the year. She has no other income, so never needed to go to the tax office, but having recently learned about the strict gift tax rules in Japan, we’d like to pay the tax and whatever penalty. Looking for a tax expert in Tokyo to help us file it properly.

Anyone was in a similar situation?

  1. If you really wanted to report it and pay whatever, just go to the tax office and tell them. The tax office is nothing like what exists in the US for example. You can actually go there and people will help you fill out your taxes for free. Can you imagine people going to the IRS building and getting one on one assistance lol?

    Seeing that it’s a few years back, and just enough to exceed the ¥1.1 million limit, one time, it’s hardly anything to sweat about. For large amounts that exceed the tax free limit for gifts, it would be better to claim it as early inheritance.

    Go to r/japanfinance if you want to ask the question again to a more knowledgeable audience

  2. How many years back is “a few years back”? I believe the limit for getting audited is 7 years? You should confirm that over in /r/JapanFinance though!

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