While we’re solving food mysteries: where can I get Okinawan/Ryukyuan market-style fish and cooking?

Inspired by recent success in which a request for gyu-tan resulted in the excellent recommendation of an antenna shop in Ikebukuro, I’d like to ask your help in securing the finest of market-to-my-mouth cuisine, and I’d definitely appreciate a chance to eat warm water grouper, jacks, triggerfish, and parrotfish. Bonus points for weird shellfish, agu, tofu, etc. At this point, any place with hot vinegar on the table will put a smile on my face.

I’m in an awful place called Saitama, but Tokyo and even Yokohama are fine too.

  1. Finding fish like those in a market or supermarket might be pretty hard. I love whiting, but its very hard to find.

    The best place might actually be online. Rakuten has triggerfish for sale.

  2. Get back to eating Saitama’s finest grilled kabayaki eels you traitor!

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