Should I go to a Japanese University instead of one in the US?

This will sound really confusing as I’m not the best at writing so I’m sorry in advance. I’ve had a dilemma for a few years and it’s been frustrating me and I wanted some opinions from those who are moving to/live in Japan.

About me: I’m 24 and never finished university because I didn’t know what to major in. I’ve had a dream for years to live in Japan for at least a year or so because I am not fully satisfied with my life in the US but I understand it may be hard for a foreigner to make a good income or get a Visa without a degree. I have been to Japan only once but I am passionate about the language and want the experience of living there.

I had thought about doing a program in English at a Japanese Uni (my Japanese is only intermediate) but I’ve seen many people say not to because they believe a degree from the US is far more valuable. I am thinking to be a GIS or IT analyst in the future but US universities are difficult to afford even if I am an online student. Japanese universities seem much cheaper.

So my question is – Do I bite the bullet and commit 4 years to a university in Japan or should I invest in a US degree and just visit Japan to during my breaks as much as possible. I want to know the least painful process to living in Japan. Please feel free to ask me to clarify anything. Thank you!

  1. Go to a university in the US and do a study abroad to Japan. That way you can both get a degree from a US university and be able to experience living in Japan. If you enjoy your time in Japan and actually want to live there, you can use your degree to get a visa.

  2. “Going to Japanese or US University” and “living in Japan” are both means to an end. They are not your goals, but a stepping stone to them.

    I’d like to ask you: what are your goals? Do you just want to experience life/culture in Japan? Do you want to get better at the Japanese language? Do you want to experience going to University in Japan? Do you want to build a career/family in Japan? Do you want to stay in Japan short term and go back to the US?

    Or as an alternate frame of thinking: Do you want to leave the US? Why? What things bother you? How would those things be alleviated by going to Japan?

    The answers will depend very much on what you want to do. If you want to experience Japanese life, but not necessarily stay long term, I suggest a 1 year study abroad program. If you want to stay long term, the general advice would be to finish your degree in the US and come on a work visa. Or if the stars align and you find a Japanese partner, you could come on a spouse visa. etc. etc. etc.

    ninja edit: I just wanted to make clear that I’m not trying to dissuade you from coming to Japan. I just want to help you set your expectations, so that you’re not blindsided if/when you do come here. When I was in uni I did a 1-year study abroad program in Japan (just wanted to experience Japan, no full commitment yet), decided I wanted to come back, finished my degree in my home university, and did just that.

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