How old do you recommend when moving?

Hello so this is a question I’ve tried to research and of course I know it depends a lot on the person as well but I’ll try explain it the best I can.
I’m 18 and have the opportunity to study at a uni in Japan once I finish school, however I’m concerned about weather moving at 19 is the best idea or not.
I know I wouldn’t be the first person but my dads talked about it with me and how he thinks 19 is quite a young age to move and how I wouldn’t have anyone in person there if I needed them and it’s not like anyone could easily come and help out. It is making me reconsider the idea but this is a big opportunity and I have always wanted to live there I just didn’t expect I’d get the chance so soon.
Is moving something you would recommend when older?
I should also add that I have anxiety I am on meds for and if it is as stressful as my dad said then I’m scared I’ll break while there.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **How old do you recommend when moving?**

    Hello so this is a question I’ve tried to research and of course I know it depends a lot on the person as well but I’ll try explain it the best I can.
    I’m 18 and have the opportunity to study at a uni in Japan once I finish school, however I’m concerned about weather moving at 19 is the best idea or not.
    I know I wouldn’t be the first person but my dads talked about it with me and how he thinks 19 is quite a young age to move and how I wouldn’t have anyone in person there if I needed them and it’s not like anyone could easily come and help out. It is making me reconsider the idea but this is a big opportunity and I have always wanted to live there I just didn’t expect I’d get the chance so soon.
    Is moving something you would recommend when older?
    I should also add that I have anxiety I am on meds for and if it is as stressful as my dad said then I’m scared I’ll break while there.

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  2. I was 18 when I first moved to Japan. It was fine and I really grew a lot.

    I don’t know which uni you plan on attending, but they probably have some kind of office to help out foreign students, so you won’t be all on your own.

    If it really gets too much, you can always just hop on the plane back home. 🙂

    (You should probably check how to get your meds in Japan though.)

  3. Yes, all of those are things that you should consider when you make your decision. How much do you rely on your support network etc

    There is no one-fits-all answer, so you have to ask yourself if you are ready to move, or if you want to wait and move later.

    You could also look into alternatives to weigh pros and cons to see which one you rather do. For example study in your home country and do a year of exchange (you get the chance to try out living in Japan, with the safety net that you’ll be back home within 6-12 months).

    Also consider how much of an impact failing would have on you. Would it be a big deal if you quit after a few months because you get homesick? Or half way through? For some people it has very low impact, but for others it has a bigger impact on both mental health and economically.

    Personally, if the education is in a field I really want to do, that has good future opportunities, I would go for it. If it was the same education that I could get in my home country with less future possibilities, I would stay and consider exchange studies.

  4. 19 years old is the age that University starts for most folks, so its not an uncommon age to be leaving home and going away to school.

    That being said:

    >I have anxiety I am on meds for

    This is kind of a red flag for me. Is the medication you’re taking legal for you to even have here? Is it able to be prescribed here? Could you go for a long period of time without it while you try to find a doctor willing & able to re-diagnose you and start giving you new prescriptions?

    Your dad has some valid points, you’d be pretty far away from your existing support structure so if you find yourself in a situation where you need help it may be difficult for you to find it. Whether that’s something you’re prepared to deal with or not is a decision that you (not your dad, not the internet) has to make.

  5. That would depend on what educational opportunities you have in your home country and what your future plans are.

    >I’m scared I’ll break while there.

    Why not work on it while you study back home?

  6. It’s going to depend on the person for sure, but I think 19 is a good age. You’re going to have to get used to being homesick but that’s part of the growing up experience

  7. If you can manage your anxiety then you will be fine. A lot of people move out at 18 to go to college.

    If you cannot manage your anxiety, then you are probably not going to make it in Japan especially if you 1) do not speak the language and 2) do not have family/friends/support network in Japan.

    People who cannot manage their anxiety can barely keep it together in their home countries.

  8. I was 18 when I did my junior year in Tokyo, so definitely not out of reach if you want it.

    Agree with others re: your anxiety – that’s the main issue you have to deal with, regardless of your age. It all depends on your motivations and what you’re looking to get out of studying here.

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