Driving practice at the Drivers License Center

So lam scheduled to have my driving test soon and I am thinking of getting some practice done on my driving before the test day. I want to practice on the driving course which will be the same as in my test day.
My question is, Can my friend with a Japanese license rent a car from outside the center and bring it inside on the course to practice? And can my friend be the instructor instead of the ones I have pay to get from the

Your answers will be much appreciated!

  1. >I want to practice on the driving course which will be the same as in my test day.

    You can practice on the same _course_, but be aware that the _route_ your test will take through that course is not decided until the morning of your test. There are usually three to six possible routes they will take, and you will not find out which one until the morning of the test. You need to have all of the possible routes 100% memorized to be prepared for any of them.

    >Can my friend with a Japanese license rent a car from outside the center and bring it inside on the course to practice?

    No, practice is always done with an official transportation bureau employee, in the testing cars.

    >And can my friend be the instructor instead of the ones I have pay to get from the center?


  2. If you live in Tokyo, [**yes**](https://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/menkyo/shikenjo/tekisei06.html). It would only be open on weekends, though.

    Other specifics below.

    >My question is, Can my friend with a Japanese license rent a car from outside the center and bring it inside on the course to practice?

    That would depend on the rental car company. The police doesn’t say in particular, except that you have to bring your own car.

    >And can my friend be the instructor instead of the ones I have pay to get from the center?

    If your friend fulfils the following conditions.


    Unless of course, my Japanese reading comprehension is failing me…..

  3. Some Driving Centers don’t allow you to bring vehicles outside the one’s they own within the driving course so you should first check beforehand. Case in point, the Driving school I went to no longer allows it as folks were using it to make a u turn.

  4. If you’re in Tokyo, I guess that’s been answered.

    My (non Tokyo) city’s driving center didn’t allow any practice. We could walk the course till our feet were bloody, but no practice no matter what.

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