Anyone here do Uber eats either with their car or scooter?

Just looking at what I can maybe do on weekends or nights for some coin. My Japanese isnt amazing yet and dont wanna work at a combini for ¥1000 an hour. Does anyone here do Uber Eats part time?

If so is it worth it for the extra cash or best to find something else to do?

  1. Even Uber eats deliveries require Japanese.

    * If the delivery location is in a hard-to-find area, the customer write the description in Japanese.
    * If something goes wrong, you have to call the person who ordered it and troubleshoot in Japanese.

    Therefore, when you register as a delivery person, your Japanese language ability will be tested.

  2. Also it might not fall under your work visa permit, so that’s another issue

  3. > work at a combini for ¥1000 an hour. Does anyone here do Uber Eats part time?

    What makes you think your uber earnings will be better? Unless you happen to live in a super busy area or can hustle through many orders quickly, it might not even be worth it.

    Also, most uber deliveries I see are bikes or scooters – forget car because you won’t be able to park that easily.

  4. Please don’t. I have had bad situations where the UE delivery person couldn’t understand Japanese. I have had to literally go outside and meet them on the street hundreds of meters away in the rain, cold and blazing heat.

  5. I did it for a short time before coronavirus times, when they started their service in Kobe.

    At that time it was nice, because it was new and not a lot of drivers so they would give you a multiplier of payment for a delivery as an incentive to work. I don’t know how it is now, but very quickly a lot of drivers started to deliver and they stopped multiplying the payout.

    When I registered they’ve showed me a presentation and asked me if I understand everything (in Japanese). They didn’t make a test of my Japanese at that time. I don’t know how it is now.

    At that time they only allowed with bicycle or scooter, I don’t think car is allowed. A lot of streets are narrow and you can’t just park you car everywhere.

    I’ve stopped after a short time. Kobe is crazy by bicycle because it’s so close to the mountains and more than 50% of customers lived somewhere on top of a hill. With a scooter it would be ok I guess.

    Also the map in the uber app is not very accurate many times. Several times I had to call customers and ask them for a description how to find their place.

  6. A japanese guy in my sharehouse does Uber Eats. He said one week he made about 21000 yen for 17 hours of work…about 1235 yen per hour. But you have to do all the taxes yourself so the actual salary is probably somewhere around the 1000 yen/hr rate that you would get at a combini/mcdonalds/whatever.

  7. I’ve done it on and off since March 2020 when I lost my work in the tourism industry, and it was a great way to supplement my income until I no longer needed it. I used my electric bicycle and made between 1500-3500 yen per hour depending on the time of the day and the weather. My location is Tokyo, quite central.

    My Japanese isn’t great at that pesky N4-N3 level but it was enough to solve issues when they arose. Texts and addresses in Japanese were never a problem as I used Google translate if I didn’t understand something. It is definitely handy to be able to read katakana because many apartment buildings’ names are in katakana. They didn’t test my Japanese ability explicitly except for asking me simple questions like what my phone number is, but I saw another guy at the compliance center being rejected because he didn’t speak English or Japanese.

    Either way I would say give it a try, I really enjoyed doing it for a while and it kept me fit and out of abject poverty. The most important skill is probably being able to read maps, but it gets easier as you do it longer because you get to know your city well.

  8. I think the Uber app has some built-in translation feature now, which might make it a bit easier messaging customers when issues finding their house do arise.

  9. as someone who uses uber eats here.
    we don’t need any more 0 Japanese language skill deliverers here.

    Every time I get a foreigner to deliver food to me, it’s a fucking nightmare because they can’t read the signs or even follow simple directions to find my place, even though it’s very easy to find for everyone else. The worst part is when they don’t even speak english so you can’t even help them out that way.

    If I get a foreigner delivering my food, it’s going to be 100% either cold or marked as “undelivered”
    I’ve had so many gaijin just give up after a few minutes and mark it off as if I didn’t respond.

  10. You need to check if you are eligible to do it too, they changed rules and as a foreign student we are not eligible to do Uber eats anymore

  11. I’m looking at getting a spouse visa as I recently got married. Would that give me the ability to work multiple jobs?
    If Uber eats isn’t the best part time job are there others that people have tried which are similar or better?

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