A place to make rings in Tokyo?

I’ve done some research on where to make rings in Tokyo, but haven’t been able to find the right place yet. My boyfriend and I are looking to make promise rings together and think it would be a fun thing to do together. I found a place in Nakameguro that seems nice, but we haven’t decided yet. Do you have any recommendations?

Edit for more info: We are looking into making rings on the cheaper side, around 10000 yen per ring..or less! In Nakameguro they have a ring studio called Makers Base, but we’re looking into more places since we aren’t familiar with shops that do this sort of thing. We want to do something creative, so a place we can have fun while making our rings together and somewhere we can add our own personal engravings/ designs are best! We’re mostly looking for something affordable, we don’t need gold and diamonds.

  1. Depends on what you’re looking for, really. Custom ring or just a “select a size & engraving type”?

    Not a specific place I can recommend without more info, but Okachimachi near Ueno is well known to have many ring stores. So if you’re okay with “window-shopping then choose a store” type of date, then I’d suggest going there and see what you like.

  2. Ringram is an awesome place.

    Girlfriend and I handmade silver rings there and costed ¥5000 per ring.

    We did ours in Osaka but the staff were super nice and told us they also serve English and Chinese speaking customers.

  3. there’s a place in Harajuku near the gong cha that does custom rings. little gold and no platinum though but I guess for promise rings that’s not a problem

  4. This post hit our report threshold, so I’m going to direct you to our rules instead approving the removal:

    > If you’ve done your homework but still don’t have an answer to your questions, create a descriptive post that includes the research you’ve done.

    Please explain what qualities in the places you’ve found that make them not “the right place.” Was it style? Cost? Materials? Location? What’s your budget? What’s the name of the place you found that you DO like? Maybe explain why you like it?

    The most info you give users, the more users can help you.

  5. There’s a place called Maker’s Base in Meguro that holds workshops for jewelry – they have a specific metals workshop where you craft rings. Each session is 2 hrs so could be a cool way to spend time together too!

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