JLPT mogi test

So I applied for the Jlpt exam this July after a long time and was surprised to receive an invitation for a mogi test next month. Is this a thing? Searching didn’t really result in anything but anyone here who received the same invitation?

  1. The community centre in my city gets invitations from the JLPT people. The community centre then asks people who are studying Japanese if they want to try the mock exam.

    I’ve taken it twice and it is great way to get ready for the test.

  2. Yup. I’ve done it twice. Got a crisp 2,000 yen bill after each time.

    The mogi test is how they determine if their questions are good for future tests. They change questions or throw some out completely depending on the results.

  3. I did one long ago which they paid us 2000 yen. I still have, because it was the first time I see 2000 yen bill.

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