Japanese cups?

Hi, wanted to post this to a few different subs to try and find out about these cups. My roommate gifted them to me, he got them from his mom who I believe found them at a thrift store. They’re super neat looking and I can’t read the paper that came with them so I can’t tell if they are made for a specific drink/purpose. If anyone has any info I’d gladly appreciate it. Thanks!

  1. They look like meoto yunomi tea cups to me, but admittedly I also can’t read the leaflet. Traditionally given as a wedding gift, the larger cup for the husband, the smaller for the wife.

  2. They are called “hagiyaki” from western japan.
    Its history go back about 400yrs ago.

  3. additional information:
    Two big letters top of the box ,”湯呑”
    means a cup for drinking japanese tea.
    湯 means hot water.
    å‘‘ means cup.

    Of course you can enjoy coffee with them.
    Try it!

  4. I’m Japanese I was read this paper but I couldn’t know in detail cuz it’s too calligraphy. I could read this is the Hagi-Yaki, which is about 400 year ago started roots of pottery. Of course this cup is current age made, not curio I think. I’m glad to you help if this help you.

    P.S: oh I didn’t realize already answer bellow comment. sorry.

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