Questions on applying for Permanent Residence (PR) visa from Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) visa

I first applied for the HSP (got 70 points) 2 years 9 months ago and got the visa. 6 months later, I switched to another company so I had to applied again for the visa. So in general, I’ve been working under HSP visa for 2 years and 9 months, but my current HSP visa is only 2 years 3 months old.

Now I want to apply for the Permanent Residence visa, and I have some questions:

1) To prove that I had 70 points 2 years 9 months ago, I only need to submit the HSP point result notification paper (高度専門職ポイント計算結果通知書) from the first time I applied, and not all documents I submitted that time, is my understanding correct?

2) Should I wait another 3 months so that is exactly 3 years from my first HSP visa, or can I just apply now? I know that PR applications usually take long to be processed, and all the documents must be 3 months within the submission date.

3) If I have to wait another 3 months, can I just start gathering the document now? For example: 在職証明書, 年収見込証明書…

4) Did anyone succeed to get a PR even you submitted the application a little bit before 3-year period (for 70 points) or 1-year period (for 80 points)?

5) Please share you experience, tips or tricks when you applied for a PR.

Thanks very much!

  1. I applied after only 10months of HSP (105 points) thinking it would take them several months to validate my PR, it only took them a month to complete the procedure but I still got accepted for PR.

    3 months away with only 70 points, may be borderline risky it but you can start gathering documents, which need to be less than 3 months old at the time of application. Just apply in a month or 2 and you should be perfectly fine.

    Yes, you only need to send them the points result report.

    No special tips to share, I just wrote that I wanted to buy a kominka with a nice garden but I don’t think it did matter at all. HSP was created as a (seriously underwhelming) incentive for highly skilled people to come to Japan, they are not going to risk losing the skilled people they are desperate to attract over some bureaucracy.

  2. If you had 70 points 3 years ago, you can just show it. You don’t strictly need the visa. Merely having the points is enough.

  3. Think twice before you apply for PR, you will be subject to Japan’s crazy gift and inheritance tax EVEN FOR YOUR OVERSEAS ASSETS that have nothing to do with Japan. I recommend you to upgrade to HSP2 visa after 3 years in Japan instead.

  4. Contact a true immigration lawyer (not judicial scrivener) such as BrainHeart Law that runs ads on Reddit. Best way to get legal advice.

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