I have unique issue

So I need to get a job asap. I decided to extend my study abroad until next year. But I have a few problem to deal with that I’m hoping to get some advice on. First and this is the major one I can’t make a Bank account. Because of Japanese law I can’t legally make one until I’ve lived in the country for six months( Ive been here for Five). Also, my visa ends next month. Right now I’m waiting for the school to give me the documents to extend my visa.

I had four job interview already but no luck. I can speak conversational Japanese but I’m not good business japanese yet. The last interview I had was today at McDonald’s. I looked online and it didn’t seem like it would be hard for a Foreigner to get a job there. Please correct me if wrong. But the manager did urge me to get a bank account. Do I need one to work at McDonald’s?

Update I got an account with Revolut. As a stop gap until I get a local account. Thanks for all the replies!

  1. I got a bank account on my second day… is this something for your specific visa type?

  2. Yes, you need a bank account to work at McDonalds as most places here will pay you by bank transfer.

    Are you able to get a bank account with Japan Post? Typically, most people who need an account but have been here less than 6 months. You can’t make transfers until you’ve been here for 6 months, iirc.

  3. For working at fastfood / restaurant chain, yes.

    If you want genkin payment, try to poke your SEA friends. They have awfully good connection for those kind of job where the salary is by cash.

    Or you can try to apply at izakaya, those that’s owned by individual. Usually they will use cash for salary.

  4. Your telling your future employers you don’t have a bank account?

    You get paid a month after you start working, if not 2 so by that time you’ll be able to qualify for this 6 month rule I’ve never heard of…

  5. Wait, u didnt bother to create a bank account when u arrived at japan in the first place???

  6. I mean, seems to me that you just have to wait until you receive the new visa. Until then, no work.

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