How Affective Is N1 Japanese?

i’m planning out books to buy and i have resources from the FAQ that i’m going to get, however i haven’t seen anything for N1, is it useful to learn? and if so, what would you recommend? i appreciate online and physical recommendations!

  1. If you just master the language you’ll be able to pass N1. N1 in and of itself just means you are at an advanced level.

    If you plan on mastering the language fully there is no need to study for N1.

  2. I assume you mean “effective” as in “how effectively can one communicate if they are at an N1 level”? If you are just starting, forget about it. Focus on the task at hand. For curiosity sake you can see what each level means in terms of ability here

  3. By N2, which is about as high as textbooks will take you, you should be able to get through some simpler, straightforward authentic material. Think something aimed at a 6-8th grader.

    N1 will be higher than that, obviously, but something you’ll be working towards.

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