The popular Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku is coming back

The popular Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku is coming back

  1. 9,000 Yen? I guess that’s reasonable compared to similar shows in Vegas, but I would rather spend elsewhere.

  2. Loved the Robot Restaurant! It was so popular with tourists but most Japanese I know never heard of it.

  3. For my first trip to Japan, this was the first thing we did after getting off the plane. It was a great jet lag cure. The place is tiny, the food is no great, but it is wild.

  4. I walked by here so many times and there were always so many touts on the streets (mostly not from the restaurant itself). I never actually went inside but I always liked the cool lights/graphics around that entire building.

  5. I went a few years ago and while it was fun I felt their robots needed some maintenance.

    Curious to check it out again!

  6. It was far more interesting back when it was an *actual* themed burlesque show. Though even then the most entertaining part was watching horrified foreign tourists shield their children’s eyes from the performing girls gyrating and pole dancing in skimpy robot outfits.

  7. Finally! This is my favorite place and I went about once a month before it closed.

  8. lol, popular. So popular that it was one of the first places to close down as soon as the borders closed.

  9. >Due to the nature of the venue, entry is also restricted to those aged 18 and above.

    Had to do a double take.

  10. Ahhh, my first and so far only (but I will definitely fix that!) trip to Tokyo had my family and I seeing some wonderful sights, enjoying incredible food and rich history, but also… The uniqueness, such as this place.

    I do miss it, oh I do indeed.

    I remember the tune of the restaurant as you enter…

    “Ro. Roboto. Ro. Roboto.”

    And the person in costume dancing to it, trying to get our attention.

    It worked, and even though we didn’t eat there, the experience was a fever dream.

    A dream I cherish, oddly enough.

    Glad to see it’s coming back!

  11. I remember when it opened all of the YouTubers flocked there to record their reactions. I also walked by it and from what I could tell, customers were fed shitty bento worth ¥250 at the local konbini and the show performers spoke bad English. Japan Times and similar media were thirsty for “wacky Japan” articles and got their wish. Garbage tourist trap indeed.

  12. Man, Robot Restaurant and Mario Kart both back in the same month and here we are stuck without JCJ to talk about it properly.

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