Trip Report: 18 days + Golden Week (25/04 – 13/05)

# Tokyo – Yokohama – Nagoya – Kyoto – Osaka – Tokyo

Hi all, going to go through our trip covering golden week and time around it (: It was myself (F21) and my partner (M24) and the reasoning behind the timing was mainly due to bank holidays in the UK being unfortunately placed perfectly in line with golden week this year! Despite this, I feel we actually got pretty lucky with it all. I’ll put an emoji to note which days were for golden week but for the tl;dr we weren’t affected that much.

Other important contexts, both interested in Japan for a few different reasons. Anime isn’t a small one but I’m also a huge fan of the Yakuza games, he’s into the JDM car scene, and we just enjoy travelling in general. We didn’t do many things like Universal, Disneysea etc. but hopefully there’s some things in here that people will enjoy hearing about! I’ll go through some tips/recommendations for the casual readers first before going into the trip in depth – please let me know if there’s anything else you want to know about!

# Tips + Recommendations

**Yamato Takkyubin Luggage Forwarding**
If like us you are going to be staying in quite a few different places, this service is so so so good I cannot overstate it. We had two big suitcases and one smaller one, we sent just the big ones for two of the trips and then for the final trip from Osaka to Tokyo we sent all 3 and just used our backpacks to bring essentials for the night.Pretty much all hotels will allow you to use the service, some may request you pay them with cash for the actual service but for all but one of ours we could use card. We sent Yokohama -> Kyoto, then Kyoto -> Osaka, then finally Osaka -> Tokyo. There are options for same day delivery I believe however we did both the next day and for a few days later. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments and I’ll answer if I can!

**Trip Planning**
I’ve been fortunate to be able to travel a lot so wasn’t nervous about the actual travel, however Japan is such a far away country that I didn’t want to go and get there then not know what to do and waste my time. In the past holidays with family were more about relaxing on a beach, or with my partner our city breaks are short as they are other European countries and so easier to return to if we wanted. I wanted to take a different approach to this trip so I made a big Google Sheet and Google Map with all the places I wanted to visit/see. It was never meant to be a strict itinerary as some people I showed seemed to assume 😅 But it really helped me to visually see where things I wanted to go to were, and then make a rough plan in case I did get stuck at some point.Anyway it was a really good idea in hindsight and I’m very glad we did it for this trip as our first time going! Here’s a picture of the map looks like, we didn’t necessarily do everything but we did most things – []( I used [](, to be honest there’s definitely better/easier to use tools out there but I got this to work for me so I stuck with it.

People aren’t kidding about the amount of walking, although I think our top amount was still under 30k so don’t worry too much. That said, if you don’t walk a lot anyway then your feet are going to hurt. My partner was fine, I was awful. I thought my shoes would be fine and apparently they weren’t so if you can pack walking boots please do. The other thing is I think the way you walk affects it too, my partner and I both had multiple pairs of shoes with us but where his converse boots were fine, the soles of my feet were awful in the same types of shoes 😭

I am not a driver but my partner is. He has a full manual UK driving license and insurance, and so for Japan all he needed was to get the International Driver’s Permit a little before we went. We rented a car for three different occasions, two times from the same place then the final was for a JDM rental. All was fine, the JDM place was confused for a moment as my partner has a Polish passport + UK license but we translated Poland for him and after that there were no issues! You’ll need to check what you need depending on where you’re from, it’s easier for us due to the same driving side although when we rented for Daikoku and the Nagoya drive they did give us an automatic so just be aware of that if you want to request/drive manual.
The rental places we used were Orix rent-a-car for the Daikoku and Yokohama -> Nagoya trip and we had a Mazda 2. For the JDM rental we used Omoshiro.

# Trip Report

# Tokyo

**25/04 – Airport, Shinjuku hotel, Shinjuku**
We followed a similar first day that I’m sure many of these reports will begin with – arrived at the airport, we had filled out the VJW forms and had both QR codes ready to go. Immigration had about an hour wait so longer than normal but we were also near the back of our plane and there was at least another full plane in front of us. Actually going through immigration was a complete breeze. Once through and picked up our luggage, we got a Welcome Suica, then headed to Shinjuku.
We reached our hotel about 4 hours early for check-in, wasn’t sure what to do for that time but they were happy to take our bags until we could go to the room (something that is consistent with all the hotels we went to thankfully). Jetlag was pretty bad, I was flagging by afternoon but we pushed through it and took the few hours to just walk around and see the sights. We spent some time in Hakone-yama before heading back to the hotel and getting cleaned up/accidentally falling asleep too early.

**26/04 – Akihabara, Golden Gai**
Of course woke too early by not being as proactive as we should’ve with warding off jetlag but used that to leave early for Akihabara. After getting some breakfast we saw the Yodobashi Camera and went in there for about an hour just looking at all the floors 😅 It was raining a ton but it surprised us with how warm it still was and quickly realised why people prefer umbrella with no raincoat!! Spent pretty much the whole day in Akihabara, went round a ton of shops and also went into our first of many many arcades we’d go to.
We went back to the hotel to return the items we’d bought then walked to Golden Gai as our hotel was about a 15-20 minute walk \^\^ Had some delicious ramen, unfortunately didn’t drink as my partner was finishing antibiotics for the first few days but it was still great to be there. Slept a lot later which was good.

**27/04 – Kabukicho, Shinjuku National Garden**
This was more a day for me to fufill my Yakuza game sightseeing. Being so close to Kabukicho I was so excited to visit a city and be able to make my way round without a map loool. It was just the end of the blue festival so the iconic arch was still blue although I did get to see it red at the end of the trip so I wasn’t too bothered about that. We went around Kabukicho, the square, again spent tons of time in the arcades and discovered how much we enjoyed the MaiMaiDX machines. Ended up getting one of the passports that save your progress and give you an extra play so if you like arcades then I recommend them!!
After this and some lunch, we were going to do a walk to the national garden then realised I went the wrong way so we took the train. As a side note here, the Suica and train system is so useful. Very similar to using a card for the underground except it’s actually clean. Walked around the national garden, it was very sunny and warm. Didn’t know it had it before going but there’s a starbucks in the middle of the garden and we managed to join the queue about 10 minutes before they stopped taking new orders. Had a nice time watching the sun set in that garden before heading back to the hotel.

**28/04 – Teamlabs Planets**
Wasn’t something I was going to initially go to however I checked out tickets the day previously and saw some for this day and decided we could do it as we had a ton of free time. I had chosen 2:30pm for an entrance time however it was such a nice day so we left early and spent time just walking around the docks. It was so so sunny, the area didn’t have loads going on however it was still very pretty. We spent time in the parks and walking alongside the water.
Teamlabs was pretty cool, I did enjoy the water based sections although dodging both influencer and family photos might detract from your experience. This was also where I realised I’d already become the stereotype tourist and was sunburnt :’) I guess I had to learn my lesson physically and I did thankfully stop any further burning after this with diligent sun cream appliance afterwards pretty much every day.
After this we went back to Shinjuku and after food we packed up ready to go to Yokohama.

# Yokohama

**29/04 – Bashamichi, Daikoku, Cosmo Clock ✨Showa Day**
Left our hotel at 11 and hadn’t yet discovered the wonders of luggage forwarding so we brought all our bags with us on the train to Yokohama! Not too bad though, we got to our hotel a little early but they took our bags as we went and had lunch before the room was ready. Went around Bashamichi (another game location lol) before taking the train to central Yokohama. We had pre-booked the rental cars all before we left to ensure availability but there weren’t any problems. This was also my partner’s birthday which is something the rental staff realised whilst we were sorting out all the documents 😆.
For Daikoku, we didn’t need to pass through any ETC gates from Yokohama but it was the first time on the Japanese roads. It was a little nerve-wracking at first as there’s very slightly different rules to UK roads but in general driving is fine. We reached Daikoku PA around 20 past 6pm, and it was about 2 hours until police moved everyone along. My partner was in dreamland with the cars that we saw, if you’re into the JDM scene at all or just a petrolhead then you’ll love it but it is a bit of luck with what you’ll see.
After we left Daikoku, we went back to our hotel. We’d checked in with them previously that we could keep the car with them as the hotel we had chosen had parking available for an additional cost. We left the car at the hotel then went out for drinks and to see the cosmo clock. Didn’t ride it but it was very cool seeing it all lit up over Yokohama. We bar hopped a bit, then went back.

**30/04 – Recovery…**
Not much to say about this day, my partner was fairly hungover so we returned the car to the rental place and then spent the day just chilling at our ryokan hotel and around Yokohama. No drinks this time round as we had a very long trip the next day!!

# Nagoya (Road Trip from Yokohama)

**01/05 – Expressways, Onshi-Hakone Park, Expressways, Shinshiro, Expressways, Nagoya**
I’ll condense this one a bit otherwise I’ll type forever but this was a really fun time. The driving totaled almost 6 hours by the end so it’s not for the faint hearted haha. The point was that we’d stop a few times along the way though which is what we did end up doing.
We sent our luggage with the forwarding service (to the hotel after Nagoya as we were just staying the one night), then had an early start as we went to the car rental for 8. We chose the same place we rented from for Daikoku and had the same sales rep sorting out any documents so it was a bit quicker although this time we did get a quick explaination on the toll gates. Anyone going on the expressways will need to know how to use them, we were a bit confused the first time but once you’ve done it a couple times it’ll be smooth sailing (and it’s such a good system for people with the automatic cards too).
We left Yokohama and set our location for Nagoya. We went for about 2 hours before stopping in Odawara for a quick snack and pee break. Pretty overcast day but despite this we still decided to do a stop in a park on the way and went to Onshi-Hakone Park. It was very cool/bit scary going up the winding mountain passes but wow the views are incredible. We spent again probably a couple hours at the park, had some lunch, no view of Fuji but we could see a lot of the other mountains around which are breathtaking in their own rights (: It’s right on Lake Ashi so we did get to see the pirate cruise going round.
After this break we did another couple hours or so driving before stopping slightly outside of Shinshiro. Something I will say about the expressways is that it is insane how fast people go 😂 We’re not about to try anything so it was sticking to the 120 on the signs for us but people just whizz by. Anyway, we stopped at a familymart in this village for a quick break and I know I’ve said it already but the views are so beautiful. It’s green in the UK but it’s something else, I kept wondering if it’s just viewing through rose tinted glasses/greener on the other side but I don’t think that’s true at least about those countryside views. It was also one of the reasons we wanted to do the road trip instead of train at least this time round, we could stop in these places and take it in.
After our stop there, it was back onto the expressway until we reached Nagoya. It was roughly 6pm when we reached Nagoya, we had intially booked the car for the whole day with return the next morning but they allow early return with Orix so we did that instead before finding our hotel and having some dinner.
Not too much time in Nagoya but it was the first time seeing the bullet train which was cool. Nagoya itself has some nice sights, we were thinking about going to Liberty Walk the next day but instead we just decided we’d head to Kyoto once we left the hotel.

# Kyoto

**02/05 – Shinkansen, Kyoto, Nishiki Market**
It was a really lovely day and we were taking the shinkansen for the first time. The shinkansen from Nagoya is only 34 minutes but we did end up buying reserved seats as the station was pretty packed. This is probably the main thing we noticed with Golden week, everything else was busy but not insanely so. Nagoya station was a lot busier but otherwise fine. We didn’t have JR passes as when I used the online calculator it didn’t come out to be worth it for our particular travel so it was full fare for us.
The shinkansen itself was good, we would be using it again for Osaka back to Tokyo but due to Nagoya being closer to Kyoto I didn’t reeeally think I’d need to book early. It’s probably a good idea still lol but it worked out fine for us to book same day despite how busy Nagoya was.
Once in Kyoto we took our time walking down to our next hotel. This was another ryokan style so that was nice, we also passed a garden which we noted to go to the next day (Shosei-en Garden). Our luggage had arrived and was waiting for us at the hotel already so we got refreshed then went out for the evening. We went up to Nishiki market then walked back towards our hotel again. Had a sushi train small dinner as we hadn’t had any sushi yet and I’ve also only had a train once before. It might not be the best Kyoto had to offer but wow was it still better than anything I’d had in the UK!! We then
spent hours once again in an arcade, if you like games the MaiMaiDX machines really are addictive :’)

**03/05 – Shosei-en Garden, Higashi Hongan-ji, Tō-ji Temple, Nijō Castle✨Constitution Memorial Day**
We woke up early, had breakfast at the ryokan, then went straight for the garden. It was a beautiful day once again so plenty of suncream applied. The Shosei-en Garden isn’t the biggest but it’s so beautiful, they have this pond that looks so still but my partner spotted a turtle and then you start to see more and more. They have some historical buildings around the place, we spent about an hour there before going to the next place.
We walked down the road to the next place, this was Higashi Honhan-ji temple. Both locations weren’t really that busy to be honest. Seeing this temple was nice but personally I did prefer the gardens. We next went Tō-ji temple. This is one of those locations that are on the ‘must-do in Kyoto’ but I did like it a lot. The 5 story pagoda was a cool sight. It wasn’t so busy although we were going around lunch time so hungry crowds were likely taking a small break (: We spent an unreasonable amount of time just looking at the koi fish in the moat not even in the temple area 🎏
Finally we went to Nijō Castle. This was quite busy although we were one of the latter groups going around as it was nearing the end of the day. Another of the listed must do’s but again I would say it’s a cool place to see. If you do go, the tour around the main house is interesting and if you decide to climb the walls there’s some nice sights of the area around.
We finished up this day heading back to the market area and had dinner including a matcha beer. I’m not really a massive matcha person but I was up for trying all the different things, the beer sort of just tasted of normal beer but it looked exactly like a matcha-green coloured guinness.

**04/05 – Arishiyama ✨Greenery Day**
This wasn’t really a packed day as we were heading to an airbnb for a couple of nights. We used the luggage forwarding from the ryokan where they were concerned that we wouldn’t get our luggage as soon as we wanted due to Golden week. I then let them know we were looking to get it sent for the 6th and they completely relaxed and said that would be perfectly fine 👌
For context if you’ve not been to Kyoto, the train system is alright but pales compared to Tokyo. Getting to our airbnb wouldn’t be too long, about an hour, but as we didn’t really have anything planned and only had our small suitcase with us we decided to walk to the next airbnb instead and waste time along the way. This way when we arrived it wouldn’t be before check in time and it would keep us out and about.
The walk was about 3 hours total although we lengthed it by stopping a few times. There were some celebrations happening due to Greenery day and Children’s day being the next day. We stopped to listen to some music, stopped to have a starbucks, then finally we reached out airbnb in Arishiyama. The place was really nice, and it was fun to have a whole place for a few nights instead of a hotel. If you’re wanting to, looking at airbnb’s is a completely valid option when staying in Japan – you just might get warned before you arrive not to talk or laugh too loudly or the neighbours might complain/call the police 😅

**05/05 – Fushimi Inari Shrine ✨Children’s Day**
Initially were going to do both the bamboo/monkey forest and Fushimi Inari but ended up leaving a little later than planned so just committed to only Fushimi Inari. I was expecting fairly large crowds considering the day and the station was….. not great. That said, the station was very small and so although it was crowded we were also out of there fairly quick.
This review of Fushimi Inari is going to follow almost everyone’s – it was busy at the bottom and as you go up you’ll get a lot less people. Even it being Children’s day didn’t stop us getting moments of just myself and my partner being alone so don’t be deterred if the bottom is busy! Beautiful views, we did the full routes going to the top. It was a bit tricky at times but it’s not a race, and you’ll feel good doing the full thing. We reached the top, were able to partake in the prayers there, then had a great time going back down. There was a little area near the end with a bunch of cats; we turned a corner and saw one and a bunch of people crowding round to take a photo. Maybe only a few steps later you realise there’s about 4 more just chilling around the place. It was a cool experience and definitely worth doing at least once if you’re there.

# Osaka

**06/05 – Local train, Dotenbori, Den-Den Town**
We took a train from our airbnb to Osaka and went via the local train rather than the shinkansen. It was fine, we reached Dotenbori and our hotel was not far from the station. We got there a bit early again but our room was already available and our luggage had arrived too (: After getting refreshed we went out for the afternoon to Den-Den Town. This is Osaka’s version of Akihabara, and we spent a lot of time with my partner looking in all the card shops. It was pretty rainy but not really a problem between the Lawson’s umbrella and ducking into lots of shops 😉
We spent time in an arcade for a while before heading out to Dotenbori market area and the bridges for the evening/night. Yet again another location in the Yakuza games so I had fun pointing out different places like the Mega Don Quijote or the crab restaurant. We had some food and ended up in a drinking place that used a QR code and website for ordering to the table which was dangerously easy to use haha. Had some really tasty sushi there too, I’ll try and find the name if anyone is wondering!
Took tons of photos there, the rain at night gave the city that classic look reflecting the neon lights everywhere.

**07/05 – Kobe day trip**
We went to Kobe for the day, lots of rain but the main market area is all under cover so that was handy. My partner was looking for a new phone which he found, we also went to one of those places where they grill the food in front of you for dinner. It was great going in a scruffy elevator up to the restaurant and stepping out onto a really beautifully designed restaurant, and it wasn’t very busy so we were able to go without reserving beforehand. Kobe itself is cool although we didn’t explore too much outside the market areas due to just how hard it was raining, I think it was the heaviest on this day unfortunately.

**08/05 – Nara day trip, Todai-ji**
We went to Nara and although the advice is to go early, we went for more mid-day time. It wasn’t crowded at all so that was fortunate. We ended up walking past that famous mochi stall that you see on all the tiktoks of Nara. I wasn’t expecting to see the making of the mochi and wasn’t going to wait for it either however they started about 2 minutes after we found the stall so we did stay and watch and it was cool to see in person (: We tried the mochi, it’s pretty good although for me it was a bit too dry from the powder. Was still tasty!!!
Walked through towards the deer park and saw the pagodas around. When we reached the deer park of course we had to get some crackers and feed them. Oh my god they’re so pushy!! It was actually so funny to interact with them, one tried to nibble me and we got headbutted a bit when we had the crackers but once you’ve given them all out then they’ll leave you 😆. We sat on a bench for a bit and watched some other poor souls go through the same thing. Saw quite a lot of young fawns too which is cute.
We kept walking up to Todai-ji, stopped for an ice cream, then went to the temple to see the huge Buddha statue. It was a good experience to see this temple, but at least for me it wasn’t my favourite part of the trip. I know for many others though it’s really great to see so don’t knock it off your list if you’re interested in it! I’m glad I went once but probably won’t return.
Spent some more time just chilling around Nara and looking at the temples and shrines around the place. We went back to Osaka for around 4pm. Spent the evening in Osaka again, no rain this time!
Oh this was about the time I was developing a sore throat, a little bit nerve wracking but fully vaccinated + boosters and have had covid previously so was fairly certain it wasn’t that. Even so, my partner was coughing a bit which is the start of the cold we both had for the rest of the trip 😔

**09/05 – Osaka Aquarium, Dotenbori**
I didn’t put the aquarium on my plan initially but we had another spare day in Osaka and I do like visiting aquariums + my partner likes penguins a lot and they had a lot there. It was a cool experience, a lot of families as to be expected but it wasn’t packed so lots of opportunities to see the animals and fish 🙂 The two whales were very cool, they’re so massive. We also got to see their rockhopper penguin conservation area, you could see them sitting on their eggs. I recommend the aquarium to any families planning to be in Osaka, it’s pretty easy to get to and the station gives clear directions on where to go to get to the aquarium and the nearby lego park.
After the aquarium we went back to Dotenbori and looked around the various book-offs as my partner was looking for screen protectors. If you’re interested in any Japanese media I can recommend them too, I found some games in there that were a lot cheaper than you find in the West in much better condition.
Our coughs worsened by evening which wasn’t great, we weren’t doing much more in super crowded areas but it’s obviously not good anyway. We were wearing masks everywhere beforehand but it made it more important. We did end up getting some Bron, if you’re in Japan and have a cough then I do recommend it but just be aware that it contains codeine. We got some from a place that specifically had a pharmacy section, you bring the box to the cashier and they’ll give you the actual bottle from behind the counter. Really really great stuff, much better than anything you can get without a prescription in the UK which was annoying as my cough was subsequently worse for about 5 days once I got back!! It’s pretty much gone now though (lasted longer likely due to asthma but it was gone for my partner after a couple days of being back).
Overall I really enjoyed Osaka, all the cities we went to were cool but for me Osaka was my favourite 🙂

# Tokyo

**10/05 – Shinkansen, Airbnb**
We left Osaka for Tokyo and took the Shinkansen back. We did splash out a bit and took the green car with seats on the Fuji side. I fell asleep for most of the trip but woke in time to see Fuji for the roughly 6-7 minutes it was viewable for. It was my only time to see Fuji due to the weather being almost clear that day aside from a single cloud going right across the mountain. It didn’t block the peak though so I don’t feel too robbed 😆. If/when we visit Japan again I would like to see it again closer but it was still a great sight.
Once we reached Shinagawa station, we switched to the local train to head to our airbnb in Shinjuku once again (although closer to Shibuya this time whereas we were more North before). We were staying in a pretty close knit residential area but did a bit of a hello to the neighbours which was nice. We had done the luggage forwarding again but had set it to come the next day so we would be the people available for receiving it. Spent the time around the airbnb and also tried having an uber eats delivered (which worked great lol).

**11/05 – Shibuya, Shinjuku**
We spent most of this day around Shibuya as we wanted a few souvenirs for family and also hadn’t visited Shibuya properly. Went to the crossing, then spent time mainly shopping and going around one of the Donkis. Pretty rainy again but not a problem for a shopping day.

**12/05 – RX-7 Day Trip (Lake Hinuma, Ibaraki Flower Park), Kabukicho**
We used Omoshiro Rent-a-car for the RX-7 (for those interested, here’s the car – []( ) and they were great. We had it pre-booked again before we arrived in Japan as it’s a pretty sought after car to rent. Bit banged up but nothing major, and we had it booked for I think 8 hours? We did return it a little early as we didn’t really have anything else to do and didn’t want to be late with a return as the shop closed at the time we’d be returning it. A funny part of the terms you agree to is no Initial D style driving.
For the trip itself, we didn’t have anything major planned so I made a makeshift plan to just go a bit out of Tokyo and visit somewhere different. I found this lake on maps that’d be not too far, didn’t realise until we were there that it’s less a lake for sights and more for fishing 😅. No worries though, as the main reason was to get some driving in and enjoy having the car (which was achieved!). Got some snacks from a 7/11 then went off.
We had a lot of time left so we drove to Ibaraki flower park, yet another quick find from scrolling around Google Maps. It was a very beautiful park, they have a rose market there as well as selling some fresh produce. It’s a small charge to go in the park but it’s worth it for the hour or more you might spend there and will go towards the park maintenance. Also being the middle of Spring of course it’s going to be beautiful with all the new blooms (: We spent time there admiring the countryside and being sad about going back home the next day.
We went back to the rental place afterwards, also during this drive was the time where we were finding it so funny how we were sticking to the speed limits in this beautiful car and being overtaken by massive trucks going so much faster. We did have a moment that was like from a movie though, we entered the expressway after the tolls and as we were pulling in an older Honda NSX was being driven next to us. The guy driving looked over and gave us a nod with a straight face before pulling ahead a little so we could be behind him. We ruined that movie mood by both being so excited by how cool the moment was but hey it’s one of those things that won’t be forgotten at least!! He zoomed off a few minutes later but we weren’t risking anything to keep pace ahaha.
We returned the car then went back to Shinjuku for our final evening in Japan. We went back to Kabukicho and I was able to see the arch in red :’) Took photos of the karaoke place that’s in the games, would’ve gone in but my throat was killing!! So we just stuck to being outside. We went back to the area around our airbnb, had our last dinner there then went and packed up ready to go home.

**13/05 – Home :’)**
Our flight was leaving a little before 9am so we were leaving the airbnb for 5ish. Early start but as we’d gotten packed up it wasn’t too bad of a walk to the station. Grabbed our train, it was fairly early on one of the lines that goes direct to the station so we were able to get on with ease. The train was rammed by the time we reached the station. No problems getting through the airport, got to our gate and then flew home.

# Final Notes

I had such a good time in Japan, I loved being there and hope to return within the next few years if life permits!! We definitely missed some of those ‘must-do’s’ such as Osaka Castle, any of the theme parks, Arishiyama Monkey Park, actually doing Karaoke, and some of the food options due to my own anxieties walking into places lol. That said, I don’t regret the things we did end up doing and it just means I’ll have to fit some of those into my next trip 😉. Although my partner would like to visit more Northern areas like Hokkaido or Sendai so we’ll see!

We didn’t have probably as much packed into each day as could’ve been but for me this was perfect and a great time for my first time. If you managed to read all this then thank you very much, and please let me know if you have any questions about the trip!! I’ll be happy to answer. Thanks for reading!

  1. Great report and I loved how you leaned into your own hobbies/interests and remained flexible to adjust plans as needed for weather and what you felt like each day. 🙂

  2. Thank you! My love for sushi and karaoke definitely kept me on my toes.

  3. By older NSX you mean NA1? I saw one in Hiroshima. Barely had to time to snap a pic before it sped by. Also saw 2 GR Yaris. I rented a R34 Nismo. Coming from the US, shifting left handed meant I couldn’t take full advantage.

  4. Sounds like you had a fun trip!

    How much did you end up spending for the luggage forwarding service?

  5. Thanks, glad my indecisiveness and love for cute things paid off in the end!

  6. Thanks for the compliment, I like to think of myself as a flexible traveler…literally, I do yoga in every city I visit.

  7. I appreciate this trip report, but just want to be clear that you can absolutely get covid more than once, and even if you’re fully vaccinated and boosted.

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