US Tax Return sent back unopened

Any US citizens had this happen to them? I sent my tax return by mail (because the IRS won’t let me submit electronically) and every year, it’s gone through without issue. This year, it got sent back to me unopened. JP put a note saying it was returned without a reason.

Anyone ever have this happen to them?

  1. You sure it didn’t have a reason on it? I once had mail be sent back but it said that it was sent back because I didn’t have enough stamps on it

  2. I have had this happen with an absentee ballot back in October. It made it to The States and then got sent back with no reason given. Could have been any number of reasons in reality. Something with the address, postage, or simply an incompetent person sorting the mail. I tried it again and had no issues. Might have been a one time fluke.

    For taxes, I just file online with H&R Block Japan Expat. I don’t want to risk snail mail for something important like that, so I bit the bullet.

  3. Once it got sent back because I forgot to sign it. Otherwise no problems.

  4. Might want to call… I did a few weeks ago .. pain in the ass to navigate but wait was like 15 minutes

  5. did you send it to the correct address for international mail?

    IRS has multiple different addresses and some only work for domestic mail.

  6. Did you send it to the correct address? There is an address for foreign address tax returns with payment and another one for without payment. Both of these are different from the standard address.

    Did you have enough postage on it? Make sure you go to the post office and have it weighed instead of trying to guess how much postage is.

    Did you sign the return? I always make photocopies, but one time I sent the photo copied version instead of the one I really signed so they sent it back.

  7. I got one bounced back once but it hadn’t left the country yet. Adding “From” and “To” to the addresses seemed to do the trick and the second time had no issue.

  8. Same thing happened to me with my absentee ballot last year. Never found out why and ended up not being able to vote on time because of it. 😩

  9. It took me a couple of times to get through to a person…. Sorry I can’t remember exactly but I kept trying different menus … but

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